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16 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I have the same issue and reported Ona new thread with saved game is called “new contract bug”. My thread is called “told results terrible and no contract despite being graded A” no one has yet responded on my thread
  2. I am managing Tottenham just won FA cup, Runner up in Champ league and 3rd in prem all above expectation But board won't give me new contract despite: Because: ??? When i spoke to the board they sacked me!
  3. I have just checked across the division and there are currently 8 players injured with broken or fractured bones. While i can accept the rate of injuries is less that real life most real life injuries are minor there are way too many major injuries
  4. This season i have had a players with a broken hand, broken leg and broken ankle. It's interesting that the broken leg was in a match but the opposition player didn't get sent off. It just made me think i don't remember ever seeing a player get sent off in FM after injuring another play in match
  5. I don't think the players status will update as it appears the date's on the summary move out when you continue. See below screen show on the 30th Aug then on the 31st you see the due dates all moved 1 day 30th Aug 31st Aug
  6. I have same issue and if you progress one day the dates move out one day so i suspect they won't gain the status. this makes the game unplayable now. Here is a screen shot before and after pressing continue now on the 31st aug and all the dates moved out 1 day
  7. not sure how this is an impact sub. Seems to be weighting the earlier part of the season much too heavily. i.e. first 10 games i would agree to impact sub but he has played every one of the next 10
  8. I have uploaded the save as "Actual playing time bug" But i have to say it looks pretty broken for example if you compare these two players both have agreed playing time as regular starter, Geffroy has played 494 mins and Cetinkaya has played 493mins but Geffroy's actual time says Squad player and he is concerned while Cetinkaya's actual time says impact sub but is satisfied. both are 23, both are worth about 110m, both are internationals. Geffroy has had no injuries and Cetinkaya has missed 3 days this season. As a side note Darren Rye has 702mins but actual time says impact sub!" it seems that actual time is a little random:
  9. there looks to be an issue with how actual playing time is calculated. Here is my squad in order of mins played this season with actual playing time next to it. You can clearly see plays with more mins but lower actual playing time. this is the root cause of the above issue.
  10. I don't think this is fixed. Just won the league with wolves when expectation was mid table. Board rate as A+ supporters C+. This went down after winning the league from a b-
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