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    Palmeiras Researcher

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  1. Each 2 days I receveid this article about the player became Manager/Player of a team... since the January (i'm in june) you can use the same save file I have uploaded for this topic:
  2. Roberto Mancini quits Saudi Arabia after classified the team in WC playoff, this is very unreal. Another odd thing that happened is that Paulo Bento left UAE (that him have classified to WC) to join Iran (that was not classified), seems the manager market take too much in count the nation ranking position and not the nation situation in competitions, I mean, who do not want manager in world cup? And Iran Federation probably pay less then UAE too Also a lot of Managers quits (not fired) in 2026 after African Nations Cup even manager from nations that were classified for the WC.
  3. Hi. this transfer happened 23/1 I have uploaded a save file called "before João Lucas" where the save date is 18/1 on SIcloud, I hope it helps.
  4. unfortunately I don't have a save before they are purchased for values. But is very unusual at least for Brazil spend a significant money to buy a player just for one year, maybe is not for big clubs from europe but defintely here
  5. These two players have been bought and team sign just 1 year contract and they leave for free in the end of the season: Not impossible but very unusual. Bought players in general have 3 or more contract deal, especially when a significant amount is expended
  6. I disagree, if was a competition with more space between the matches like a national cup ok, for a competition that is placed in one country and played between few days is odd. Is like leave in the middle of olympics or the old confederation cup (if you do want compare to world cup)
  7. One thing that is bothers me is the manager market First of all: national teams managers: Nations without any tradition in football appoint a newgen of same nationality and not a real foreign manager: Newgens Managers receiving chances to earlier - If you start with a low league, there is a lot of newgens Managers, ok but I think it would be better the newgens escalate in their carrer, starting like U20 Assistant, U20 coaches, assistant in first team and finally Manager. Is much more fun see real people became Managers then Newgens eternal caretaker managers in not-playable teams - Not playable team that lose their Manager for a Playable team do no not hire other manager and stay with a caretaker for much long time. Big clubs hiring no to much popular managers: And in general, Market is to much "english", teams give to much opprtunity do managers that come from lower divisions, even this manager is in a bad running in the current year they hired the Manager based in last season campaign (ex: a title contenter team hire the winner from last second division even his team is now in the botton of the first league table) I don't know maybe the lower leagues titles/promotions are giving to much reputation to the managers.
  8. Sérgio Conceição left Porto (that was in quarter finals) to join Lazio: Is not impossible to happen but very unliked
  9. 2024 in english to help to understand: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Copa_Verde
  10. Rulles acordingly real life: teams 24: 12 state champions - Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins 8 second place - all states metioned exclude Roraima, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondonia and Amapá 4 ranked - 4 teams from any of those states (could be 4 from the same state for exemple) that with better ranking (use reputation) that not classificated in the other two ways All phases are regionalizated, the idea is the final be played by a team from north and other from brazilian center region 4 better ranked teams from north block and 4 better ranked teams from center block start directly in second phase First phases 16 teams is regionalizated and ranked, so 1st better ranked from block north against the 8th, 2nd x 7th... same from center block one leg inside the better ranked team Second phase 16 teams 8 better ranked x 8 winners from 1st phase , one leg in better ranked home Another time egionalizated and ranked, so again 1st better ranked from block north against the 8th, 2nd x 7th... same from center block quarter/semi finals and final all in two legs, team with better campaign (exclude the 1st phase) play second leg home.
  11. Just to complete quarter finals - inside the group 1x4 2x3 semi final - out group - winner A 1x4 x winner B 2x3 and winner B 1x4 x winner A 2x3 the team with better campaign play home
  12. When you are a national a manager and watch clubs match to observe some players thouse players should always been highlighted like for exemple his name always appearing in match field and the name background with a different collour. Also if you gonna watch the match and no one of those players are on first eleven should have a button option to advance the match until any of them come from bench and if no one cames, all match be simulated without the necessety of watch
  13. If you are national team manager and choose take control the youth team you can't put yourserlf to deal the set peaces. The only option is the assistant: Also, I was training the U20 squad and put a new captain because the old already has 21y and he became disappointed what don't make sence since he can't be called anymore.
  14. Série D was never playable in official version. What is the value that appear in BRL?
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