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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Past member of the Goalkeepers Union.

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  1. Numerous instances, but most noticeable is my goal keeper. A natural sweeper keeper, and my star player playing virtually every game in the same role and duty in the same formation in the same tactic, 6 games in to the second season is upset to be playing in goal. Have had this on a regular cycle for most defenders and a few midfielders. Real world mode on standard database and m.e.v24.0.0.01 24.1.1+1922460
  2. I've had this happen in 4 out of 5 games (lower league) - seeing the opposition in the Northern Ireland second tier suddenly transform into peak Barcelona in the last 10 minutes. Haven't found a solution so far, and like OP it is spoiling the enjoyment.
  3. I had this come up in my Banbridge (NI semi pro) save. I finally realised that I had run out of scouting budget. No funds, no scouting A top up fixed it for me.
  4. In theory, perhaps. It is definitely broken - doing a lower league save in NI, with largely non-contract players, and every team scores 35 yard screamers bending around the wall that Beckham could only dream of. My CM with Free Kicking Taking of 1, single figure of strength and technique can do it.
  5. Typically in my lower league saves, I can't find or attract scouts with attributes for judging player ability or potential over 6 (6 being a luxury). What would be the use of hiring any scouts with these 'qualities', unless there is some nuance to the attributes that I'm missing? I can understand having low ability in judging potential, but how can anyone that has functioning eyes be incapable of noticing that a player is quick, can control a ball quite well, pass OK, etc etc to achieve a 4 or 5 out of 20? I could probably pose the same question about physios - someone with a 3 or 4 would be more likely to kill the patient than fix them I suspect
  6. L1 in Scotland. There is no U18's league, but when the time comes for a youth intake there is a friendly generated with my "U18's". 1) I can't delegate the match responsibility to my Head of Youth Dev, 2) I can't cancel the friendly, and 3) after having played the friendly and scrolled past the post-match team talks (which I can delegate) and pressing Continue, FM freezes (the spinning wheel of death) with no way of moving on or going back. Tried everything.
  7. The game is currently unplayable, and I would like to revert to the previous version to see if this is a prior bug.
  8. It's definitely the skin, you can't get to the player profile screen in game with the default skin. So, nothing to see here
  9. OMG how embarrassing! I forgot I'm using a skin on this save - I suspect that makes it a bug withing the skin, not the game
  10. During a match, when a player's fitness levels are low, instead of subbing him off, this procedure will restore him to full fitness: 1) Click on the player to go to his profile screen. 2) Immediately hit the Return to Match Button. 3) Player is now fully fit again and can see out the match with no issue.
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