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Posts posted by Synthahols_for_Girls

  1. We're not Creative enough, We're not positive enough 

    True back then, true now 

    All this slow sideways / backwards passing, so dull so garbage, nobody looking for space, nobody looking to break down the flanks, nothing happening 
    I thought Allardyce ball was bad, but this is way worse 

    England go gung ho attack in a game and loose 4-3 or even 4-1 I'll take, at least they gave it a go, this passionless turged s$%£ frack that I have many many better things to do with my time 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Ackter said:

    Two things:

    1. Unsurprisingly, inheritance tax does not apply to the royals, which shouldn't go down well in this climate but I bet it will 


    Did you miss the bit yesterday where amongst his other oaths Charles ceded all the revenues from the crown's properties to the treasury in return for the sovereign grant 
    the crown retains ownership of those properties in name only, 

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