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SebastianRO last won the day on October 23 2021

SebastianRO had the most liked content!


835 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"



  • Biography
    Football and Football Manager Fan. Do I need to say more ?!

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    AC Milan

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  • Currently Managing
    FM21 - Borussia Monchengladbach

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  1. So I was just browsing the Playstation store and have seen Football Manager 23 Console Edition. This makes me very happy, as these days I am doing all my gaming on my PS5 (except FM), so it would be amazing to be able to play this game over there as well. Do you guys have any information about how it's going to be / features / etc ? I am sure Miles or someone will talk at lenght about this one, but I am just very keen on it I really can't stress how excited I am about this, as long as it's not some dumbed down version of the FM we all know.
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