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Posts posted by EnzoAmata

  1. I'm manager of Swansea and expected to finish mid table. Swansea seem to play their style no matter the opposition in real life which Michael Laudrup gets praise and criticism for, I'm wondering if that works within FM14. I've tried it for half a season and I only seem to convincingly win euro draws! I'm in relegation but finished top of my group in euro with ease.

    I did offer the team top bonuses for euro and normal for league is that the only factor that's effecting their Premier play?

    I know the tactic doesn't work within the Premier League but does anyone play this way where all you change is shouts, no matter which opposition your playing?

  2. Well I've played my pre-season with rigid replaced by fluid, and if I'm being honest, I can't see any difference!!

    I really have no idea what the differences between them are, I've read loads of things on the subject and don't know what it's doing. I've given up. I'm slowly giving up on FM14 right now, I can get a team to play fine for the first couple of months then boom my team just start playing random.

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