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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks a lot to you rusty ! Even though it didn't work by indicating that I wanted 5 teams minimum, I continued to try, and everything worked when I indicated 17 teams minimum for this division (which has 17 teams). Maybe by giving a minimum of 5 teams, the game doesn't load specifically the team that I want in my competition, while it seems to be the case by putting 17. The game then seems to load everyone correctly since the problem disappear. In any case thanks to you it works, so I will be able to continue trying to build my world club competition. Thanks again!
  2. Hi everyone, First of all, thanks a lot to @ratio1618 for his "How to test your competitions IN the editor" post, that I just discovered, because it will save me a LOT of time from now on ! I already have created some competitions with advanced rules in the past, but I haven't played FM for a long time and I'm back now, trying to create something more or less similar to what I did on FM12. I'm beginning with something simple, in order to get my bearings again : a continental cup with only 14 clubs in it. Thing is : though everything works fine with, for example, 14 teams chosen from best clubs in England, France or Spain, I'm having issues when I do the same thing, but with some amateur clubs, for example from Afghanistan or South Africa or Germany or else : what happen is that my competition never proceed to the initial draw in game. In fact, even teams aren't even visible in the list that appears in the menu (in game) when you click on the competition... yet everything is okay when I don't put "small" teams. I've run a lot of tests already, and, for example, everything is okay with 4 teams from Afghanistan and 10 other top teams from Spain. And the 4 teams from Afghanistan are picked from the lowest (ID #23151830) division in Afghanistan. But when I remove another top team from Spain and replace it with another team from this division in Afghanistan, then the competition never starts in game. (and it's the same with some other "small" team from other countries, even for example picked in Germany). So I'm stuck and I absolutely don't understand what's wrong. It seams to be related to the teams themselves but I'm not sure of anything :/ Right now for example, "Kabul Bank", "Kabul Club", "Mayhan" and "Nijattuman" (ID #23104104 - 5626485 - 1013536 - 1013537) are okay. But when I add "Milan Kabul" (ID #5626486), nothing works anymore. I looked at the details of the different teams in the database, but I don't see what could explain this. After having seen that I could test my competition IN the editor, I've tried it right away and maybe I'm missing something, but the competition seems to be working properly, it's marked "finished" and includes the list of the 14 teams that I entered in advanced rules, including "Milan Kabul". Hoping someone can help me, thanks in advance !
  3. Thank you XV20 I guess I don't have very much of a choice but to buy the game then, if I wanna try all of this out !
  4. Hi everyone, I'm an 'old' FM player, and the last version I played was the 2012 one. Back in the day, using the advanced editor and doing more or less what you wanted with it was a real obstacle course, but that seems to have changed over time. That's why I would have liked to try the game and its "pre-game editor" before possibly deciding to buy and play FM again. I installed and reopened an old inactive account on Steam, to download the FM 2024 demo. So far so good, and the game launches correctly. I then wanted to install the pre-game editor, by following the instructions, that is to say by going to my Steam library, then checking "Tools". Unfortunately, the pre-game editor does not appear anywhere... Is this normal? Is it because I only have the demo version? Is the pre-game editor only downloadable on Steam if I first have purchased the full game? Or is it because my Steam account is considered a new account and therefore limited? Or could it be something else? In any case, is it possible to test the pre-game editor before deciding whether or not to purchase it? Finally, before leaving you, I'd like to know if the pre-game editor really allows us to do things like activate and make playable very very low level championships (like maybe a 10th division or worse) in almost any country in the world, or to create a global/world/intercontinental competition bringing together any clubs around the world? Even though this competition brought together all the clubs on the planet in its first round ? These are things that I had managed to do in FM 2012 and without which the game would not interest me. Thanks to all for your help!
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