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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I might have missed it, but what tactic are you playing? Would be nice to give a detailed view of it!
  2. That's some good ****! Really like your tactic a lot as well, It has been fun using it! Did you make any changes in the mean time?
  3. What Team Instructions and Player instructions are you using in your tactic? Would like to try it out!
  4. I might have missed it, but did you use any player instructions?
  5. Results? And are these all player instructions you use?
  6. Can you share the 4-1-4-1 variation as well? Great read and great story you are bringing here!
  7. Looking forward to the future parts! Especially the tactic-ones as I love to read them!
  8. What does your tactic (+ Team instructions/player instructions) look like?
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