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415 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. Circati and Balogh especially are nice to keep around and they can be long term partnership, that was my plan for Parma in FM23 before I lost interest. A shame about Delprato, like you, he was gonna be my next Buffon if I had done a long term save in FM23 haha I'm not sure if I'm gonna do Parma for FM24, will depends on my Valencia save I guess. In FM25, starting in Serie A might made it a bit easier for Parma, but still looking forward to another save regardless in future.
  2. Thanks for the update. It was good to see how Parma doing in FM24. A shame you lost Bernabe, Man, and Bene early on at start of season 2. Galo especially seems like a good find, is he a newgen? This is the exact reason I tried to keep some original players even if they are below the necessary quality and not have a high players turnover each season. I don't even actively went out and buy wonderkids from other clubs, instead trying to wait on one from the academy. Because once its all newgens, the interest to continue a save wane dramatically for me somehow. My Kulusevski save with Parma was one of my most enjoyable long term save I did. Haven't been able to replicate it since unfortunately.
  3. I'm doing Valencia, but I'm on my 3rd restart already because of databases changes (fake.inc, not enough Scandinavian players etc). I tried doing Parma in FM23, but couldn't get it going beyond the 2nd season. Might do one save if I couldn't get my Valencia save going since FM25 Parma would start in Serie A
  4. Started a save with Valencia twice, first time had to restart because forgot to delete fake.inc etc. Was only in pre-season though so no big loss. 2nd run in November now and might restart again as I realised a lot of Scandinavian players are not in my database despite having 80k worth of players. Was enjoying it too, Barca currently in 13th and Valencia in 4th thirteen games in. Lots of injuries though, is it normal for FM24? But I really want Elias Jelert as my first choice RB (had him in a short FM24 mobile save )
  5. Anybody doing Parma? Haven't skim through the new thread yet
  6. Hello. So, I'm in November in first season, and just realised Elias Jelert (I had him in my FM mobile save and wanted to get him again) and a lot of Scandinavian players are not in my database despite choosing Large + custom (almost 80k players). Is there a way to add them now or restarting is my only option? Also found it strange that despite playing in Spain as Valencia, in my initial run (had to restart because forgot to delete fake.inc) Pep Segura was one of the option as coaching hire. When I restarted with even bigger database, he's not in the game for me. Am I missing a trick here to get more of them in the database?
  7. Fourteenth Update Gianlugi Buffon - June 2024 Buffon News: In Other News: Transfer News done deal so far.. What's Next? Next Update: Summer Transfer Window!
  8. Thirteenth Update Summer Plans 2 - June 2024 Club Improvements: Contract Situations: In other news.. Plans for Summer Transfer Window & Current Squad Review: Development Watch: What's Next? Next Update: Summer Transfer Window!
  9. Twelfth Update End of Season 2 Review - June 2024 End of Season Review: Parma Players Stats: Transfer Budget & Finances: Surprises? Awards: Board & Supporters Expectations: What's Next? Next Update: Club Improvements, Contract situations, Plans for Summer Transfer Window!
  10. Eleventh Update End of Season 2 - May 2024 Coppa Italia: Parma Fixtures: Final day drama? Serie A Table: Serie A Player Stats: Parma Historical Record: This is strange.. Reflection's Corner: What's Next? Next Update: End of Season Review - Parma Players Stats, Awards, Contracts, Finances, Plans for Summer Transfer Window!
  11. I hope so too. Does newgens still grow in height in FM23? They used to be in the older FMs. Obasi might even be a good winger, but I rarely retrained players. Might be a good time to start
  12. Tenth Update Youth Intake Candidates 2 - March 2024 Youth Candidates: February & March Fixtures: In Other News: What's Next: Next Update: End of Season 2!
  13. Ninth Update Winter Transfer Window 2 - January 2024 Parma Transfers: Around the World Transfer Roundup: January Fixtures: Thoughts.. What's Next: Next Update: Youth Candidate Intake 2.
  14. Eight Update Season 2 Midseason Break - January 2024 Fixtures: Serie A Table: Serie A Player Stats: Parma Players Stats: Records: Finances: Interesting Tidbits so far.. Parma Transfers: Running Commentary Thoughts: What's Next? Next Update: Midseason break and January Transfer Window!
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