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Everything posted by Gunblade

  1. If only we got something like that as a reply option, I'd select it every time. Which, I guess would still make it pointless if they continue to keep asking the same question every week...
  2. As most say it wouldn't be that great to use as it is now, though is anyone actually suggesting it to be implemented into the game as it is now? It has potential for sure, but not for a long time yet. AI is still too young in its infancy to be considered for natural text input and output in my opinion.
  3. There was a YouTube video by "evidence based football manager" for fm22 where he tested training regimens. Apparently set price training is worthless. It will NOT improve any set piece attributes. Free kicks, corners, throw ins, even penalties do zero for improving penalties. Not sure if that was ever fixed but I guess not. On a related note, apparently he tested match prep training too. Does nothing for helping you win the next game except for tactical familiarity. Get familiarity to max and then probably throw that training in the bin. Not seen all the videos so best double check.
  4. Should there be a CA rebalanced though just for a side change? Given that, in reality, the required skill set, tactical mentality, and physical requirements would be exactly the same for the opposite side of the same position. The only real difference? Which foot you use, which would affect the performance as okay, yes, you have to get use to presominantly using the other foot, but should that really require a CA rebalancing act?
  5. I Have Kevin Gonzalez, and Attacking Mid, playing for my Championship team for the past 5 seasons. He's played long enough that I'm absolutely confident that it isn't a statistical fluke/one off, though I can't really prove it as I haven't exactly recorded it. you'll just have to believe me when I say that his ability at long shots would make Messi clap with joy (Maybe). An absolute beast of a long range shooter, from 20 yards to as far as 40 yards he scores them all. The quintessential "He doesn't score tap-ins" player. Well okay, he does, but I'd say it would be a closer to a ratio of 4 to 1 long range goals to short range goals. I'm pretty sure this guy has the team's goal of the season for five years running. The thing is, as you can see from the stats, and traits, above, I don't know where it's coming from. I play him as Atk Mid, with AM role, he'll blast them in. As a centre mid, he'll still get some opportunity (a bit less of course) to take a long shot and occasionally score. I have other players with better long shooting skill, and similar technique. played in the same position as a Atk Mid with SS role, and they get no where near Gonzalez with taking as many long range shots, let alone score them. The difference is absolutely staggering. Even with the traits I would expect both "shoot with power" and "takes more long range shots", or at least one of them, but nope. I know players have hidden attributes but I'm pretty sure there wasn't one that was take more long shots, that's only a trait thing. Eventually Gonzalez will have to be replaced but how do I find a similar player when it's clear that Player Traits may not be completely "truthful". What's the mechanism behind this difference if they don't even have the traits required?
  6. Has been asked before (not by me) but I'm asking again (this is for FM22 but FM23 probably hasn't changed), is there any fool proof way to stop the under 18's playing for my under 23's short of taking control of the team each time which I do not want to do (That's what my under xx managers are for!). Tried resting on the day but that did nothing (Still picked). There was something about picking the team yourself but I don't see how that would work given, I'm sure, that the manager would override your decision since, after all, you left it to him to pick the team. Moving them to senior team each time would also be a huge pain and hugely disruptive. Third party software or mods perhaps?
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