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Posts posted by jmpaparone

  1. Hello

    In my training schedule, i have the group of sessions "other activies", in which there si "team spirit" and "local activities with fan + charity program". For the local activities, i wanted to know what are the other impacts of the session, other than the explained "team cohesion". I mean, if it is different from the session "team spirit", there must be a reason.

    For example, will it improve the number of fans attending the local match ? Or will it help my dirigeants to accept a new stadium ? Last time they said "without more support from local population, the news stadium will be more a problem than a good thing". Thanks

  2. On 19/03/2021 at 11:35, keysea said:


    Technique attributes governs all the attributes needing a bit of technique ... For example, your winger has a pretty 16 crossing attribute ... fine, he's able to put his cross where he intends to in the opposition surface ... but with, let's say a 10 in technique, he might not be able to bypass a defender when crossing, because he's not able to curl the ball ... That's the same with finishing: with a 17 in finishing, your player will be able to place the ball where he intends to ... but without technique he won't be able to cope with a good goalkeeper ... that's why you might happen to see ACs with only 14 or 15 finishing and the same technique attribute stat who will score for fun (we agree that tacvtic plays a part in it too ).

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks but it helps even more if you answer of the tackle : does technique help to tackle better ? :D

    On 19/03/2021 at 11:54, DarJ said:


    Thanks for opinion. Any more opinions about it ?

  3. I understand what you mean, but it is pretty random, and if the attribute does properly his job, it is likely to go badly for a player with "important matche" low rating.

    Lets take a player with 5/20 in big matches rating. He will probably perform bad (rating 6 in matches) and stay bad. Whereas someone with 14/20 is likely to perform and improve....


    To tell the truth, i don't understand why the development squad made this choice. I assumed that i missed something, that's why i ask my question. It is not usual for Football Manager to go this way, there is often a way to have some positive action on a bad attribute, at least for a little amelioration.


    Unless of course, if the following assumption was true : whatever the important matches attribute, players will more often play good in big matche than badly. In this case, any player should gain rating across time, but player with high rating will improve faster (start higher rating, reach higher rating and faster) than the ones with low rating.



  4. Hello

    I read in forums that "technique" is a wide attribute, which can combine with pretty much everything. But according to what i read on the attribute, by hovering it ingame, it is "The quality of a player when he has the ball. It is usefull to succeeed in long pass or hard pass for example", so i would say that it won't help my defender to tackle better.

    Then : Does technique help the abilty of tackling for example, or heading, or anything to remove the ball from opponent  ? Or is it just when you have the ball that it is usefull.


  5. 8 hours ago, FrazT said:

    The important matches attribute will only go up by the player improving his performance in important matches, so the answer to your first 2 questions will be no.

    If a player performs well and consistently in big matches, then that attribute will increase as long as there are CA/PA points available.

    OK.... Well i'm kind of disappointed (but i accept that xD), meaning that someone bad in important match will be likely worse and worse, and someone good will become better and better (except if there is luck, but we can't base a strategy of improvement on that). Thanks

  6. Hello guys

    We play online with a friend, and during a match him VS me (1st vs 2nd of the league, very important match as you can imagine...) we had an issue.

    Lets call Home Player "Player A" and Away player "Player B" (i wont tell you who i am, so that there is no influence).


    Original match :

    It is the 40th minut and player B scores. It is 0-1 and the game crashes. Player A and Player B are ok for a rematch.

    Player A says "i will give you 1 goal in compensation" in kind of compensation for the crash

    Player B says "i want a 0-1 scenario in the rematch".

    They are pretty close in the proposal, but it is not exactly the same (misunderstanding, coz player A means "i give you 1 goal, if it makes a difference on the final result" and player B means "I want the same scenario exactly, coz there is a psychological influence in scoring first". Both are honest way of thinking.).


    2nd match

    Rematch happens and it is catastrophic for player B. He loses 2-0 after 20 minut and loose a DC (with no substitute available). The match goes 6-0 and player B quits at 60th minute cause "it is not the scenario of the first match, this 2nd match means nothing". The match will end 7-0.


    What is your opinion :

    1) Player A should accept to re-rematch (cancelling all previous matches and playing a 3rd match) with a 0-1 scenario ?

    2) Player B should accept the 7-0 defeat even if the rematch went terrible ?

    3) Something else ?


    Thanks guys :)


  7. Yea the big match is relative to your team.

    My questions are still up :

    - Does the "important match" attribute increase over time (by playing normal match) ?

    - Does it increase by playing important match (whatever the performance) ?


    - Does it only increase/decrease upon the the performance in big match ?

    - Combination of previous quotation ?

    @Seb Wassellwe need youuuuu :) Thanks

  8. Interesting question. I just can tell that the training rate is often high for players with good personnality (perfectionnist, professionnal etc) and higher rate seems to lead to better attributes development.

    But that's not your question, we want to know if good training is a sign, a clue, meaning that the player will play next match at his top CA (like if we could guess that he will be probably consistent for the next match)

  9. Ok but it does not mean that you don't gain confidence in yourself over years, by playing more and more professional matches.

    - IRL it could make sense that you become more and more ready to play big matches, even if you don't take part in big matche yet.

    - In the same idea, IRL, we could consider that even if you play poorly in 1 big match, you will learn from it and become stronger for the next big matche.

    But even if the IRL debate is open, i would like to be sure of what mechanism FM has retain for this attribute. So you maintain that there is no gain across time, and it is only a question of well/bad performing during the big matche ? I hope that's not the case, cause it could lead to some vicious circle. Thanks again.

  10. Hello

    I would like to know how this hidden attribute, "Important matches", work :

    - Does it slowly increase with big matches experience (whatever what happens during big matches) ?

    - Does it depend on the performance of the player during the big matches (which means that someone who is already bad, can become worst and worst across poor performances) ?

    - Is it something else ?

    I have some players which makes mistakes in every big matches (22-23 years old wonderkids with good attributes, but only a notation of 12 for big matches) and i "need" to know if they can stop blunder once they will get older :), or if i can do something to help them to improve.



  11. Hello

    In our online game with 2 friends, we have an issue sometimes in FM19, when we play a match online human vs human. It happens when the game is interrupted (red card, corner, tactical change asked). The game is paused, or there is a message written "Waiting for XXXXX (the other player)". Nothing cant make the game continue, except if 1 of the 2 human quit the game.... But the problem is that he cannot re-enter the game after that, and so the match will finish IA vs human, what is not fair...

    I know it's an previous version, but maybe some of you know about this bug and have an idea how to fix it. Thanks

  12. Thanks. I tested with editor and indeed, the game prevent you from not giving 20 to one of the two feets. One 20 is mandatory.

    Concerning your saying about the CA ajustements of the game (if you increase or decrease the foot notation), is it immediate or does it take time ?

    I mean, if for a match, if 5 minuts before the match i give +5 for each feet, will i have a boosted guy for the match ? Or the attributes are immediately decreased in compensation ?

    I read somewhere that the CA adjustement could take some time.

  13. Thanks for these very interesting answers. As a GK doesnt fool, i will definitely keep him :)

    The other interesting point, is the translation of "dirtiness" in terms of gameplay. Dirtiness does imply more fools and hard ones, which can lead to negative issues (free kicks, red cards) and more rarely positive ones (opponent demoralised, injuries, fool not seen by the referee).

    That's mostly negative, but more balanced that we could think before. That's why, the translation of dirtiness in French seems not correct imho. It is translated as "Violence" = "Dirtiness". And "violence" in French, has the same meaning as in english, so it is not appropriated to describe "dirtiness". The FM dirtiness is not necessarly violent.

    In French we have an expression "faire une crasse" (equals word to word to  "to do + 1 + dirtiness"), which means "play a dirty trick". We are closer to the FM intention... But it becomes close to the definition of sportmanship, even if i understood properly from Santy :

    - Dirtiness is an indicator of how willing a player is to commit a foul in order to get an advantage.

    - Sportsmanship covers elements like diving

    - Temperament is an on the pitch & off the pitch attribute : it guides how likely a player will keep their cool under provocation.


    We are around the same mental things but a bit different.

    To conclude, i would say that i would rather translating "Dirtiness" into "Irrespect du règlement" in French (word to word "disrespect of the rules")

  14. 55 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    I cant really think of any circumstance where the dirtiness attribute can be looked on as any good, to be honest.

    For a GK, this attribute will probably lead to red cards and penalties, so hardly an attribute that you would want to be so high.

    Interesting dilemma. I also saw a PA of 198 xD.......... I think i will give him a try, and will keep you posted. If there are other opinions, i'm still interested in.


    42 minutes ago, h3nrique_SEP said:

    If you are playing the Libertadores, yes


    :lol::lol: OMG, twice !

  15. Hello.

    Sorry if it is not the good word, but the hidden attribute i want to discuss is "Violence" in French, and i think it corresponds to "Dirtiness" in English.

    I wonder if this attribute can be somehow good (for example, if it improoves 1 vs 1, or can impress opponent etc...) or if it is always bad.

    I got a regen Goalkeeper and i went to editor to see the personality of the guy, and he is 19 for violent things.

    My secondary question is : how dirtiness will result for a goalkeeper ? He may concede a lot of penalties+red cards.... Or may break some leg of superstar strikers xD


  16. On 13/01/2021 at 01:50, jmpaparone said:

    Hi @knap , thanks for all these tactics. I'm testing them among in a lot of configuration (vs 433 vs 4231 vs 352 etc) and they perform very well.

    Just a question about your use of Pogba in your 442 P108ALLCUPS (double mezzala in center). He is right footed (mainly) and you use him in the left side of midfield. Is it because he performs better this way? Does a mezzala, after mooving to the space of the side behind WM, get the the ball then moove like an inside forward ? That is why it make sense to put him on the inverted foot/side ? Sorry for bad english and thanks for your answer.


    On 13/01/2021 at 15:27, knap said:

    Probably same tactics as in FM21

    Sorry i dont get your answer

  17. Hi @knap , thanks for all these tactics. I'm testing them among in a lot of configuration (vs 433 vs 4231 vs 352 etc) and they perform very well.

    Just a question about your use of Pogba in your 442 P108ALLCUPS (double mezzala in center). He is right footed (mainly) and you use him in the left side of midfield. Is it because he performs better this way? Does a mezzala, after mooving to the space of the side behind WM, get the the ball then moove like an inside forward ? That is why it make sense to put him on the inverted foot/side ? Sorry for bad english and thanks for your answer.

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