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Issue Comments posted by Rofocale

  1. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Dominic10:


    Kim didn't have a specific wage set in the database, from when the Italian Research Team moved him over, which means the game calculates his wages.

    But his wages have now been set for future updates, thanks!


    As for Kimmich, do you have a screenshot of the new contract he has signed in-game, for us to investigate, because that really does seem a bit off. Since we don't have anything set that should prevent him getting a pay-rise on his current terms.


    Here is a screen of Kimmich's new contract.


    de Ligt is also somewhat strange. He now gets 58k more than in 2023 but lost all his bonuses for winning competitions which effectively is a wage reduction.





  2. Shouldn't Kim's wage be increased? 5,3 Million seems way too low and needs to be doubled.

    Every source basically says that he gets around 12 million Euros gross per year.



    Another thing:

    Can the values for max wages slightly be increased in Germany? For example seeing Kimmich extend his contract in 2025 and now getting less than before is a little bit immersion breaking.

  3. vor 19 Minuten schrieb Fire_03:

    Who will have a -Potential and which will have a fix PA, is the responsibility of the Researcher.
    And you are talking about 3 different leagues, with 3 different Head Researchers and Researchers.
    If the Researcher of this club is not really sure about the potential ability, in my opinion it makes more sense to give him a - Potential rather than a fix one to avoid people will be unhappy with this decision.
    But as i can see very often, no matter if you give a player a fix PA or a - PA, people will complain about the decisions. This is normal, because everybody has his own opinion on it.

    And we often told the community, as well it is explained in the first post, how they should give a feedback. It makes no sense for me, if i see a comment .... ha, this player is too strong or too weak. Fix it (is the friendly way)
    Yeah maybe, but only this will not change the players CA or PA. The researcher will not have a better knowledge about this player than before. He only knows, in the opinion of this poster, he is to weak or to strong.  This is not a statement about the player. It is only a comment about their frustration, but no suggestion.

    I'm on your side on this. Better to give them a random PA than an unrealisitc fixed PA. And I'm not complaining at all. It was just a snarky comment on "Most, if not all 19 and 20 year olds should still have a minus potential" ;)

    In fact, the database and the rating of players has come a long way compared to like 10 years ago and is top notch these days. I rarely have to do any adjustments to a handful of players myself.

  4. Am 25.10.2022 um 09:10 schrieb Jeroen Thijssen:

    That's the answer. We feel there's still plenty of randomness that can be attributed to the player - who has enormous potential by the way, in the entire PA range. Most, if not all 19 and 20 year olds should still have a minus potential.

    Fortunately most of the players in this age have a random potential. There are only like a handful of 19 year olds with a high fixed PA. But to be perfectly honest: if Harvey Elliot and Yeremy Pino have a high fixed PA, Bellingham should have one too ;) 

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