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R. Hearn

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Posts posted by R. Hearn

  1. The 1st option is both PPM's and personality/mentals and the 2nd option is only personality/mentals.

    Ah, sweet! Thanks for that. I have a 19 year old Model Professional, and I only wanted him to learn a senior player's PPM, but didn't want to risk changing his personality. I've always used the second, so that explains why some youngster state they gained little even though their personalities changed. Thanks again.

  2. Another silly question about tutoring:

    When asking a player to tutor a youngster, is there a difference between the two options available? That is, 'help improve tutee game' and 'take under wing and mentor off pitch'. I assume the first is to have the youngster learn the tutor's PPM, and the other is to change personality and mental attributes, or am I wrong?

  3. I was wondering if there are any tips on signing older players as tutors. I usually only sign youngsters and first team players, and now that I really want to focus on developing my youngsters, I realise I haven't the best of tutors. If I do sign a couple, I can't guarantee game time, and not sure what kind of effect it'll have and such. Any help will be much appreciated.

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