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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Somehow that doesn't work for me... Nothing happens when I press reload skin after extracting the folder. Was able to manually replace the Hogges logos but can't for the life of me manage to add the catalunyan flags.
  2. Thanks a lot! That helped me so much, it worked perfectly. I've noticed that I can't for example play a Scottish or Welsh team in the English leagues using this type of transfer policy. Is there any way around this at this time?
  3. Hi! Probably a bit off topic, but is this possible to do with Andalusia? It also doesn't have any weird border country situation going on to complicate it. Would love to make a team with transfer policy in that region.
  4. Will this issue be fixed in the winter update or something? Was trying to play in Germany, and the teams that do not have reserve teams hold up to 45 players cause there's zero demand for loans. Struggling very hard to find a playable league in this FM23
  5. Getting old now... Third tier is dominated by reserve teams. Like in most leagues in FM for *many* years, the teams hoard players and send them to their reserve teams. Simulate far enough and some reserve teams will be involved in relegation battles as well as promotion battles in the same year. Why is this?? Game breaking for many leagues with reserve teams in the league system. I think only Spain has a decent balance.
  6. Is this part of the reason why some teams end up having stadiums twice if not more the size of their towns population after a few years?
  7. Same issue as the past several years... Every team in the top division makes millions in profit by default. There's no challenge to keep any team financially viable cause all of them are more profitable than any English club. It's the opposite in the expansion league where all teams lose more than their total wage bill by default. Don't tell me to upload files, I can't believe you don't test this, and want an explanation why. Chile especially has the same issue, as well as many other countries, for many many years.
  8. "upload a save game". :/ Alternatively, you can just load a game with any league not England and see the projected finances. Or simulate even one or two season and see that some leagues profit millions by default and some don't. I challenge you to load the Mexican league, and explain why every team profits tens of millions every season without trying. It's been like this for years. Sometimes I wonder if you even test most leagues... What's the point of even having them playable, or having a forum to suggest bugs if you ignore the most obvious ones. If I play in my native Norway, my town of 8000 people will have a 20000 seat stadium by 2050 with no effort. The reserve teams will dominate the third tier, cause the teams are so rich that they hoard players. I haven't even played a long term save in maybe five years and I bought every game since fm10. There's no challenge anymore.
  9. This has been an issue as long as I can remember in any country that's not England so I don't expect it to be fixed... The finances of other leagues make zero sense. In some countries like for example Mexico and Chile, the teams will make tens of millions in profit every year without even trying, and others like for example Argentina and Ireland you'll lose hundreds of thousands if not millions every year even if you have 0 on your wage bill, and the owners have to bail you out every year. It's been like this for as long as I can remember so I assume either SI are trying to fix it or just don't care.
  10. Every time I sim 5-10 years, most of the top teams end up signing only foreign players. Some of the top teams really field 11 foreign players, especially in the top 5 leagues. Even in Portugal in my latest test, Benfica only had ONE Portuguese player registered. That seems very off. The teams in FM23 seem to show no regard for local talent, or developing their own players.
  11. I really hope this will be resolved. Long term saves are just awful to play at the moment, which is the only thing I like to play
  12. It's the single most gamebreaking issue imo. The AI is wasting so much money, skill and surely it affects the coaches too, having all these extra players to teach for no reason at all. I really hope this will be fixed :)
  13. I should add the worst example in my save is Man U. They have 39 first team players, only three of them out on loan. 10 of the 36 players at the club didn't play a single minute and all of them are 22-25 years old, ages where you'd expect them to play a lot.
  14. Hi! I've simmed to year 2032 and one thing I notice is that teams have well over 30 players, even if they can only register 25 in most leagues. Obviously some players are exempt from registration, but it's still not realistic. Every team in PL has 5-7 players that didn't spend a single minute in the first team or even development teams, and not even loaned out. I checked a lot of the players and many of them played regularly in smaller leagues. One player for example played regularly in Denmark, 25+ starts for many years, then Arsenal spent millions to buy him, but still he didn't get a single minute for three years. It also messes a bit with recruitment for smaller clubs, as there are no stats available for players who are way too good to not be playing. It also feels unrealistic as I don't think any real life club would just gamble on a player who didn't see the pitch for three years. Will this ever be fixed?
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