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Posts posted by steve333333

  1. I have to say, I'm struggling to really enjoy this game while still playing a lot.

    On the one hand, some parts of the match game experience are by far the most sophisticated they've ever been. The way the ball moves, the deflections, the variations in shot types are all things of beauty. Makes me wonder why more focus has not been put into this before.

    I don't require better quality graphics than what we have, just a better depiction of the way football is played, with all it's different types of shots, passes, saves, ricochets, tackles etc. Give me more animations! I can't wait for a game which depicts stepovers, and I hope this is the area which the FM team put all their energy into improving for the next edition.

    I'd also say the game has been visually improved so much by the modders out there. I've got a beautiful skin, photos of players and stadiums and it really brings life to it.

    On the other, there are a number of bugs in my game which really detract from my experience. I don't know about others, but I'm currently playing in England and - no matter what the weather says, be that downpour or drizzle - the match is played out in a hazy summer light, half of the players in my game have lost all their career history, and my scouts are incapable of finding anyone. This is just a selection of the most irritating ones to me.

    I understand bugs are part and parcel of a game, but it's disappointing that something as fundamental as the visuals of a match is still a problem well after the release date. I feel like I'm having to overlooking faults in large parts of the game to enjoy it.

    Then, there are the other wider issues such as the flawed player interaction system in need of a complete rewrite, the stale, generic stadium visuals which must be opened up to modding, the inability of the AI to squad build, and the lack of distinct tactical styles on display.

    At its core, there's a potentially brilliant game here but its flaws make it a frustrating experience for me.

  2. I'm using your ME23.2WOFKnap4231P102ECCC with Watford with great success. Some of our play is just beautiful.

    First season, we won promotion to the Premier League, losing just once. Second season, we've won 8 from 10, losing just to Spurs and Man City.

    However, this second season we're suddenly getting huge numbers of red cards. We've had 5 in 10 games in the league, and one in the cup. All but one of them have been for two-footed lunges or wild tackles. I could understand if we'd been in a losing position and a player was taking out his frustration, but mostly they've happened when leading. Likewise, I could understand if they were reds that came from double yellows, but they're not.

    Is there anything I can do to keep the intense pressing which is working so well, but lose the insane number of reds? I want my team to press and be tough but not reckless. Or perhaps this is just slight quirk in the game? It feels odd we had so few reds last season and now, adjusting to a new level, to games where we have less possession, our players need time to adapt?

  3. I'm using the Beowulf 4-2-3-1 with Milan and there's no doubt about it's attacking brilliance, we have beaten Inter 6-1 and we're top of the league in October already.


    However, we're constantly picking up yellows and reds. It's routine for us to rack up 6 yellows, minimum, per game. This has led to three reds so far and it has caused up to drop points in some of our biggest games. It seems we're always on the brink of someone getting sent off.


    Is anyone else having the same problems and any tips on how to fix it? Otherwise, it seems a great tactic. 



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