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40 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Having the same issue here in swedish. The profile looks correct, but i got a training report where the attributes are shuffled.
  2. Hey all! Finally back, and with the save for 2032 done for those interested. I won't have the time to check it out today, but someone else might be interested in it or just want to play a bit in the future https://www.mediafire.com/file/a5r7988aa57mysk/FM_Holiday_Save_-_2032.fm/file
  3. Did post in this thread, but i'll keep you guys updated as well I'm currently starting a save with several leagues loaded, most only the first division but the top two from the "big 5" (England, Germany, Italy, Spain and France). I'll let it go over the night, with the target to be ten years into the future, and i'll upload the save after it's done. I might not have the time to investigate how everything looks, but i'm sure someone will give it look. I'll update later exactly what leagues and so forth that i loaded, but i really need to get to bed now! See ya all tomorrow, hopefully with good news! The leagues i've loaded are: England (2 divisions) Argentina Belgium Brazil France (2 divisions) Hollande Italy (2 divisions) Croatia Portugal Scotland Spain (2 divisions) Sweden Germany (2 divisions) Eu, South America, Africa: Players from clubs top division, Players from top clubs Start England,27/6 - 2022 Add players to playable teams, Do not use hidden values 20 leagues, 13 countries, large database, about 135 000 players No added databases I'll keep you updated with the save, in case anyone wants to give it a go or just check the results. I probably won't have the time to give it a deep check, the wifey has me bookde for the weekend, but i'll make sure to upload the save as soon as i can! Does anyone have a particular upload site the recommend?
  4. I'm currently starting a save with several leagues loaded, most only the first division but the top two from the "big 5" (England, Germany, Italy, Spain and France). I'll let it go over the night, with the target to be ten years into the future, and i'll upload the save after it's done. I might not have the time to investigate how everything looks, but i'm sure someone will give it look. I'll update later exactly what leagues and so forth that i loaded, but i really need to get to bed now! See ya all tomorrow, hopefully with good news! The leagues i've loaded are: England (2 divisions) Argentina Belgium Brazil France (2 divisions) Hollande Italy (2 divisions) Croatia Portugal Scotland Spain (2 divisions) Sweden Germany (2 divisions) Eu, South America, Africa: Players from clubs top division, Players from top clubs Start England,27/6 - 2022 Add players to playable teams, Do not use hidden values 20 leagues, 13 countries, large database, about 135 000 players No added databases I'll keep you updated with the save, in case anyone wants to give it a go or just check the results. I probably won't have the time to give it a deep check, the wifey has me bookde for the weekend, but i'll make sure to upload the save as soon as i can! Does anyone have a particular upload site the recommend?
  5. Of course, I have uploaded the save now with the name: Unable to register player (Before signing him) Thanks again!
  6. Of course, I've uploaded two files, one before the January transfer window where he is registered (but it still looks the same in his history, that he belongs to Flamengo) and one after. The Files are named: Unable to register player (Before January transfer window).fm Unable to register player (January transfer window).fm I have saves from before I signed him, if that would be interesting. I managed to save the situation by using a third party tool (FMSE 23) by swapping him with other players and that seems to have worked. Thank you for your help and just let me know if I can help in any other way
  7. Hi! I have a problem with a player disappearing from my squad registry, and I can't register him again. He's a star player and was previously registered before the January window. Sorted by nationality he won't show up. When I look at his history, it seems he has rejoined Flamengo, despite me not getting any bid for him But if I look at his profile it says he is contracted to me, and he's not in Flamengos squad. I do have saves before the January where he is registered and available for me, if you want I'll upload one before and one with the issue. Thanks in advance and sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, it's my first bug report
  8. Here we go, I've finally simulated @LeoFM save until 2039. I haven't looked at the save yet, I just got home and need to eat something lol! But here's the save, 1st of January 2039 with the hotfix from 25st of October. Here's the link for anyone who either want to study how the development has changed or just want to play in the future, enjoy! https://www.mediafire.com/file/y31ewgnjgjf8a7l/FM23_Player_Development_Test_%28Oct_25_Minor_Update%29_1st_January_2039_.fm/file EDIT: For anyone interested, here's the leagues loaded:
  9. Mine should probably be ready by then, unless something comes up. I'll post it here when it's ready for anyone who wants to take a look how the players develop.
  10. He hasn't really developed much at all, so I'm not so sure that we can make any conclusion about those screenshots. But we will see later how it looks, especially when we get newgens in the game as well since it seems to be easier to see on them
  11. Understandable, the players should develop as "normal" now, but we won't know for sure until we get a couple of years into the game. So if you don't think your players are "ruined" I'd either continue with the save or wait until tomorrow where I'll take a look with @LeoFM at the result from the holidaying. I'll upload the save here as well so if you want to take a look at how the players look then just wait until I upload the file
  12. Yeah, that's the unfortunate risk when playing a beta and the reason I stopped at season 2 before continuing. We'll see how it looks tomorrow or later tonight at the earliest
  13. I'm on it now! I actually missed that they updated the game until now, but I'll run the holiday save until it's done, hopefully tonight but i might need to use the computer which will slow it down a little. We shall see!
  14. Precisely, that's what SI have said in another thread. I played two seasons before I took a break, and it's definitely noticeable that the mental attributes are developing way more than the technical, and I currently can't continue without screwing up some of my exciting young players. So as long as you are aware of if you can play as much as you want or do some challenge, the match engine feels more alive with the ball bouncing a lot more than before and it feels more alive, even though there seems to be more long balls than it should be. So yeah it's up to you how important youth development is for you!
  15. They will fix it, but the players will remain the same if you play a season or so. They can't fix it retroactively so if you're concerned about the development of your players I'd hold off on playing for more than a season(or at all) unless you want to get great mental attributes but bad technical ones.
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