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Everything posted by Justified

  1. Total wage budget is the budget the board give you. This doesn't change unless you allocate transfer funds or the board change the expectations and give you more wages. I think you might be mistaking it for Wage Spending? No, Breakthrough prospects come under the youth budget so I don't put them on the sheet. You can if you want for planning reasons but I don't see a need to
  2. I did that ages ago. FM24 has a good upgrade on the ME and if you like positional play then it's a decent purchase. However squad rotation has been a mess since day 1 and hasn't been fixed so FM24 currently stands as my lowest game hours out of the whole series at 85 hours.
  3. Looks like a good starting point to me. Personally I'd look to invest in a young promising DC who could eventually take over form Schlotterbeck but also act as cover in case of injuries. Without knowing the attributes, DR & DMC could be an opportunity to get in some quality? Also... 500k p/w for Kobel? That seems a bit bonkers to me Although I like having a good keeper, they would never be highly paid in my teams. If Seiman is any good then maybe promote to the lineup and sell Kobel? Would free up some wages to expand your squad.
  4. I'm going to go one step further and really boggle your minds... If you set up a tactic to be Fluid, for example, but then use personalized roles to make roles defensive or attacking, it doesn't change your fluidity...
  5. The best advice I can give is start planning 18 months before contracts expire. If you want to keep then renew, if you want to sell you have the winter/summer to do so. I know that sounds very simplistic but that's always worked for me. Circumstances of up and coming youngsters or transfer targets should dictate which way you go on your non-starters.
  6. If I'm just messing around then Boaty McBoatface works. No idea where I got it from.
  7. Been saying this since the game launched. One of the reasons why I'm still on FM23.
  8. Shame to see that the Youth Managers still don't rotate their starting XI's. Funny thing is I felt they the did it too much in FM23 and now in FM24 you're either good enough of you don't play at all for a year+. I am also seeing some very strange goalkeeping in my season. Something doesn't seem quite right with their animations and they seem really erratic. Maybe just me? The game is definitely not unplayable but definitely still needs some work to get right. Back to my long term save in FM23 I go
  9. For now I've gone back to my save in FM23. I think FM24 has huge potential however I'm not enjoying it because of the little niggles. I'm not saying it's not playable, because clearly there are people who are enjoying it at the moment. But in terms of a management simulation, it needs a lot of tweaking before I can make an opinion how good the game is. The fact that the AI doesn't make subs and completely knackers out their starting eleven throughout the season is a big oversight. Also the fact that Team Talks don't work properly is a bit strange as well. Fingers crossed fully patched the game will be the best in series so far.
  10. I'm guessing the subs issue wasn't resolved today? That's the only thing that really irks me because my Youth Managers do the same thing and half the youth team doesn't get any playing time at all. It's quite fiddly to set their teams up every match. That and, as stated before, AI teams rarely make any subs.
  11. Nah it won't be today or tomorrow. Slliiight possibility of Wednesday but my money is on Thursday for sure.
  12. If I were you... I would book off Friday to play the demo all weekend as it's coming on Thursday.
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