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86 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. It's not the only problem. The mad/maddening thing is that it seems to change randomly in my single save game. The problem you mention is constant, but there are also issues with scouts filing no reports from elite youth tournaments or assignments for areas that they are perfectly suited to scout and should recommend at least a dozen clearly world class potential players.
  2. I think a lot of us have been overly polite and ingratiating in the hope that we would be taken seriously. However, @Zachary Whytehas just been insulting our intelligence and gaslighting the community into believing we're doing something wrong. I just asked my 20/20 scouts to watch every game of the U19 European championship. I have 35 scouts and all were unassigned. I constantly receive "assignment completed" messages from my Chief Scout and received zero reports. Manually scouting each player in the relevant U19 squads led to numerous 5 star (initial) potential players. That is insane. How can some of the best scouts in the game watch the best young players in Europe throughout a tournament and file zero reports and have zero knowledge of the players. Scouting is broken, it's clear. Instead of insulting our intelligence SI should tell us that we've paid our money and we should wait to do so again with FM25 and hope that it works then.
  3. Have you seen Manchester United play football? This happens on average five times per game.
  4. So this completely contradicts the official explanation. This company, which has grown massively since they were the makers of the game I played in the 90s and has a corporation of Sega's resources behind them, really needs to communicate better. I appreciate @Zachary Whyteengaging with the community, but some of the communication is really diminishing their credibility. First it's the customers fault, then it's working as intended, and now we have clear evidence that it is not working as the customers would like it to work, logically think it should work, or even how the developers allegedly intend it to work. At this point a clear, unambiguous statement from Zachary that this is the game we've been given and no further work will be done on this aspect of it, would probably be for the best. Otherwise SI is wasting the time and effort of community members who are uploading save games, posting screenshots, and in good faith trying to understand how this aspect of the game works.
  5. This is what makes little to no sense. If your Brazil scout come across the next Pele, he'll watch him play, note the once in a century level of ability and potential, but because the player is 16, he won't file a scout report because for some reason all your scouts are walking around knowing that 16 year olds, no matter where they are have no interest in joining a world class club with world class facilities and for a signing on fee which would potentially lift generations of his family out of poverty. If this is truly what SI intended, how the scouting system is meant to work, they've simultaneously destroyed a big aspect of roleplaying, game enjoyment, and realism. If this is the case, then the bigger thing to do would be admit that a big mistake was made, tweaks are not necessary, and the system will be rolled backed to whenever it last made sense.
  6. Hi, I've uploaded four saves. 21st Jan Scalvini is the position he is supposed to be (-Man UFC Newgen Scalvini no change.fm) Trained and played as Anchor Defend. 28 Jan Scalvini is accomplished at LB (- Man UFC Scalvini changed 28.01.fm). Feb 18, Marc Bernal has correct position ( - Man UFC Bernal No change 18.02.fm). Feb 28, no change to training and not played in his new position, yet suddenly accomplished at CB (- Man UFC Bernal Change 28.02.fm). Granted, these examples aren't as drastic as my Newgen ST going from no ability as a CB to accomplished seemingly overnight, but it seems clear that something is happening without my input and it doesn't seem as if this is what should be happening. Hope the save files work and I can turn off weekly separate autosaves
  7. It's not that simple to do as there's no notification nor logic that I can discern with regards to when it happens. I've just had it happen to a new player who went from no ability at CB to accomplished without any intermediate steps. He was only a ST before that and of course his attributes have crashed across the board. Could you provide some instructions as to how we can get a save game from just before this random event occurs?
  8. This game is really infuriating. Just when I think I've come to terms with the things that I should just accept don't work, I get this... It seems like the most unimportant and clear-cut goals are checked by VAR. However, Manchester Derby, a goal that looked off to me in real time, and not even a check. I've used a ridiculously thick line to show just how clearly this is off-side according to the in-game engine. Why wasn't this off-side? Why was their no VAR check? Issues like this makes me understand why some users think there's in-game scripting, and once again makes me wonder how much users can actually do to make a difference in-game...
  9. Seven years into the game and there are only four players with potentially 15 or more for taking corners. I have "extensive" knowledge World Knowledge and 35 scouts. My team has the second best reputation in the world but our set-piece takers all have less than fifteen for the required attributes.
  10. Has this been addressed? I have scoured the player statistics for a player who obtained a 6.4 in a game in which he seemingly did nothing wrong. How is a manager supposed to make changes when they can't identify what's going wrong by stats or in the match engine?
  11. This is an excellent and balanced take on the situation. The demo is no panacea, same as early access in the past, so often things are changed by the developers with no real option to opt in or out of the updates that the demo or early access/Beta that is rather enjoyable changes into something frustratingly buggy. Another issue is that some problems only crop up after a couple of seasons. If SI assure customers that issues like newgens, AI squad building, a balanced transfer market, youth and nation reputations etc have been fixed, a potential customer plays the demo and enjoys those six months, or whatever it is these days ,and then decides to pay full-price for the game on the basis of promises by the developers and then finds out that the promises weren't fulfilled... What is the customer's recourse then? SI and Sega have the customer's hard-earned money and the customer potentially has a product that was bought under false pretenses. Nobody can think this is fair? What is the solution here? If a customer can prove that a promised feature is missing/broken, should they be entitled to a refund at any point during the game cycle? Why not? I'm sure there's something that covers the developers in the EULA, but I'm talking about fairness not fine print...
  12. One of the major problems with SI is their inability or unwillingness to communicate with loyal customers. So much could be clarified by explaining what these incredibly vague statements mean in-game. Either communicate what the words mean or, even better, put some thought into how language is used in-game. If players could logically infer useful information from the text we're reading it would be an interesting game dynamic. As it is, and has been for years, it's just an annoyance and most communication is click and hope
  13. Has anything been done with regards to this? My highest assisters whose creativity is better than almost everyone else in the league apparently play very few progressive passes per game. What exactly is the match engine's definition of a progressive pass?
  14. You're going to drive yourselves up the wall trying to work this out. SI have acknowledged that this isn't working as intended. It doesn't make sense because it is breaking for some people at some points. SI is looking into it for the next patch, let's hope they fix this basic that seems to have worked more often than not in the past.
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