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Posts posted by TheHuss

  1. This game is really infuriating. Just when I think I've come to terms with the things that I should just accept don't work, I get this... It seems like the most unimportant and clear-cut goals are checked by VAR. However, Manchester Derby, a goal that looked off to me in real time, and not even a check. I've used a ridiculously thick line to show just how clearly this is off-side according to the in-game engine. Why wasn't this off-side? Why was their no VAR check? Issues like this makes me understand why some users think there's in-game scripting, and once again makes me wonder how much users can actually do to make a difference in-game...Offside.thumb.jpg.2041da1b334fe1e32486d8af5120c0ff.jpg

  2. On 12/02/2024 at 18:30, Dagenham_Dave said:

    To get the best from recruitment focuses, you need to, you know, actually focus on something. I see so many people just having open wide parameters and expecting hundreds of results. If you're doing that, you're as well just using player search and scouting players individually. 

    Narrow your search down. Don't just search for players 15-18 without any other focus. Give your scouts instructions on the type of player to look for, otherwise they'll have no clue who to recommend. 

    I've not had any issues with scouting in this year's game, and this is the method I use. 

    That makes sense, unfortunately it goes totally counter to the official advice in both of the threads in the Bugs Forum. The communication there said that having too narrow parameters is the reason users are seeing little to no results from recruitment focuses. 


    It's great that scouting is working for you, but the Bugs Forum shows that there are known issues with scouting. Personally, I've noticed that sometimes recruitment focuses work, sometimes they don't. All in the same save game and with the same staff. 

  3. It may be flavor text, but then SI should clarify what is decorative and what actually has an impact on game dynamics. There is so much vagueness that unless there are ulterior motives for not doing, SI could save themselves a lot of headaches by just saying what is within and what is outside of players' control. 

    An example of clarity would be the ongoing issue that some have with fatigue. People have gotten very heated and mean while debating this topic, and although there's no excuse for throwing tantrums online, SI could easily put a stop to the debate by clarifying whether or not is working as intended. 

    I think my point boils down to FM and its creators just not being very good at communicating, in-game and about the game. As someone who has played this series since the late 90s when the games were far less complex, it seems like SI hasn't seen the need to increase the amount of information they share. It doesn't make much sense to me.


    (Also, I really don't want to carry on grading exams :()

  4. 2 hours ago, forameuss said:

    To me that reads fine, albeit a little awkward.  I would read it as agent bluster in that there isn't currently any interest, so if you move now, you can secure the signature before that interest "inevitably" comes in.  Of course, that interest would likely never materialise, but it doesn't seem too much of a reach to suggest it's just a bullish agent.


    I'm two days and five hours into grading English exams, so I can't help picking up on errors of concord or logical coherence. We could debate the grammar all day, however the real problem seems to be that there is no clear or logical link between the words used by the A.I and the messages the user is meant to infer from them. 

    If we take your plausible understanding to be correct, then the inference should be that this is a potentially problematic agent who will bring nothing but trouble down the line. There should then be either attributes or text that confirms this inference. From there it is up to the user to decide what course to take. However, in my opinion there is too much of this game that is words for the sake of wordiness or vagueness that adds nothing to the user experience. This may partly explain why many are bored, confounded, or infuriated with press conferences and player interactions. In such a text heavy game there should be more attention paid to what the text actually means. SI surely has enough resources to hire people with the required language skills... 

  5. After inquiring into the demands of my own player for a contract renewal, the agent suggests I "move quickly to gain a jump on other clubs" right after saying "there's no offers or interest currently registered" in the player.

    This could be one of many really awkward phrasings in the game, however if something behind the scenes is making contract negotiations take place as if there is urgency or the players have other clear options then it points to something really not working and potentially skewing the way conditions of negotiations. This makes me worry about other poor phrasings in the game and if they are indicating underlying mechanics that aren't working correctly. 

    There are numerous other instances in which I have just assumed that the developers have not allocated sufficient resources to ensuring that the in-game text has been professionally edited/proof-read. Is it just poor writing or does it indicate that things are working incorrectly. In this instance an agent potentially playing hard-ball because he thinks that I'm desperate to extend his contract as a matter of urgency. The use of the word "desperate" in many interactions is just totally inappropriate. Again, I assumed poor writing. However, does the managers apparent desperation impact negotiations? Screenshot2024-02-13at10_27_01.thumb.png.b7695dcba4ab526c7d773e15edf47dcd.png

  6. 3 minutes ago, XaW said:

    we mods don't know what SI are working on or not. No inside knowledge here, sorry.

    Thank you for clarifying that. I don't want to be hyperbolic, but just knowing this provides a lot of context for what is and what isn't said in some of these threads. Hopefully information like this will also make people think twice before spewing insults and throwing tantrums, though I'm not holding my breath. 

    Has an AMA or similar ever been held with a representative of the main points of contact between SI Games and the community? Maybe one person from Mods, one from testing, one from the developers. It would possibly give community members who are prone to outbursts information that would give them pause. 

  7. Sad thing is OP raises some good points, just in a way that nobody would, nor should take seriously. 

    The issue with recruitment focuses not working at all seems to be affecting many players. Mods have acknowledged the issue but that's about it. It's obviously not something that everyone is experiencing, but in the interests of not being like the OP, I'd hope that mods and the rest of the community can imagine the frustration of players/customers who are unable to make use of a key game mechanic.

    I know that the potential complexity of fixing this aspect of the game is more than I could imagine. However, in an information vacuum misinformation and frustration spreads. I would be really grateful if someone from SI/the mods could acknowledge that it's being worked on, there is no expected timeline for it to be fixed (if that is the case), and maybe provide an informed perspective that there are no known workarounds for now. This may negate a lot of frustration. It's not the end of the world for me, but any of these steps would have saved me some time and a bit of unnecessary frustration. 

    Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. 

  8. The worrying thing to take away from this is that it's not about identifying bugs, it's that SI know about them before release and still knowingly release products in the state that they do. 

    If this is the case, which the mod has all but explicitly stated, then surely it would be fair for SI to announce the known bugs at release in the same way that SI loudly touts each version's "new features"...

  9. He wasn't transfer listed, he came to me saying that he wanted to leave on a free and I went along with it. It doesn't make sense that he takes the first offer when it's less than his current deal. He's playing regularly and well for me, and it seems logical to wait for better offers from other teams, or renegotiate with me (not that I would necessarily want him to stay). 

  10. He wanted to leave and I went along with it, it's his last big contract, he should be at his peak age and CA-wise, and to add to the scenario PSG will have a Mbappe sized gap in their wage bill. I don't think it's realistic at all that Pogba goes for significantly less wages and less squad importance than he's for a free transfer. The whole point of leaving on a free is to get the highest wage and signing on fee. He definitely should not be earning 100k per week less and a middling signing on fee at the age of 28. I can't think of many, if any cases where this would happen irl.

  11. I've noticed this in numerous versions of FM, but this one seems really stark and I couldn't find discussions of the issue. There is no way in my mind that Pogba should be signing for a club like PSG for significantly lower wages, lower squad importance and with an "average" loyalty bonus. I'm not bothered in this case because I want him out, but in terms of game balance this seems like it could skew things. Bug? I can't think of a logical alternative...


  12. On 22/02/2021 at 13:54, mhaffy said:

    The introduction/implementation of xG has given rise to numerous differences in FM21 between the stats in the Full Match Engine (FME) and Quick Match Engine( QME), including dribbling. These have been well flagged and I did some detailed testing that I shared in the bugs forum and have included here for your information. 

    I understand that FM definitions will not align exactly with their real world equivalents but they should be at least broadly in line for both the FME and QME. It is important that FME and QME give similar results so that scouting/search comparisons are not rendered useless. I ran a full season Premier League using Full Match Engine and again using the Quick Match Engine. I then extracted full season stats for each team and compared the FME results with the QME and 19/20 Premier League "equivalent" stats:


    A few summary observations from the same FME Vs QME saves used above regarding player stats:


    The game is not broken and unplayable but for players who like the immersion and use stats when comparing/scouting players etc there are clearly issues that have surfaced in this years FM that render such comparisons/scouting useless. Hopefully these issues will be largely resolved in the next major update so that SI have a firm foundation from which to develop FM22.

    This really deserves a response. Seems SI are strangely silent about match stats and analysis issues 

  13. Has anyone seen a response to this issue from SI? It raises so many questions about what's actually happening under the hood versus what players see, and our ability to impact that. This seems potentially game breaking if what we see is not what's actually occuring 

  14. I'm having similar issues. Lost a match I had no right to lose. All my defenders seemed to underperform massively. I head to the post match analysis and there's absolutely nothing of use to show what errors my players are making. In-game commentary mentioned a player making a mistake leading to a goal, but analysis doesn't reflect this. If this is a widespread issue it really needs to be addressed as it raises tons of questions about what's actually happening with the match engine and the players ability to recognise that and make impactful changes 

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