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Citizen Sandman

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Citizen Sandman last won the day on January 19 2017

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1,751 "Say hello to my little friend!"

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    To know that you are God, is to...

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  1. I'm enjoying my free time atm. Watching this is such a silly choice
  2. Its literally a case of all these players are made better by their team mates. Kane is by the pace of Sane Coman etc Walker the creativity of kdb Silva Rice the intelligence of havertz I dunno its so slow
  3. I'd love to have seen Wharton. The team is screaming for a cdm who just gets it and moves it wisely Palmer would be nice at some point but the basics are needed. Will I ever like an England team
  4. What am I reading here? Rodri is world class. England have no identity and play so condensed. Honestly only thing Ancelotti and Pep as dual coaches could make them work
  5. said it in the last game, no philosophy, no leaders, TAA is not ****ing Kroos or Pirlo
  6. All of the Scotland touches were poor there not just and not mostly the last guy
  7. Just watched some of the 2004 goals Jan Koller what a nuisance. Definitely feel like the people were more likeable then even though probably weren't
  8. I didn't know of the word bunting till 2 years ago.
  9. EXCITED? WILL YOU WATCH EVERY GAME? I don't even know when it starts, times have changed for me...are people different? I just don't find the players these days have my attention or is it just getting old
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