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Everything posted by daveh83

  1. Playing it on a rtx 4070 16gb and I thought it’ll be more smoother and nicer?? Or am I missing something ? It’s on full stars playing on max settings. And it seems edgy ??
  2. It’s obv that most of the team is working on fm25. They haven’t touched the match engine in nearly a year on fm24
  3. Has anyone from si said what’s gonna save game comp with new update? Is it worth starting my main save now or waiting ? Not bothered about upto date transfers.
  4. What’s the pros & cons ppl? Before starting your final proper save!!
  5. getting sick of players being unhappy over the slightest thing, then when I sell him another player picks up his reason for being unhappy and then it all starts again!! can't win a game now cos of unhappy players, its a joke
  6. has this been flagged yet to be looked at?? every save av had one moaner about nothing then the whole team becomes unhappy !! and then you have no chance of winning anything after!! only option is to sell the moaner? hope this has been tuned down abit
  7. I find it hard to believe regardless of tactics tactics that a world class gk can let in 3/4 shots!!! And just to rub salt in wounds there keeper gets a 8 rating to
  8. What his last 5 game ratings? What’s the shots to goal ratio against you?
  9. I haven’t been looking around the league am asking here is anyone been experiencing this prob. Av had with many diff keepers even a world class one
  10. Anyone noticing a prob with keepers??? No matter what the keeper he’s prone to letting in 3/5 shots and getting 6.0s all time. Is this a known issue.
  11. No one knows how to make midfielders spray direct balls over the top
  12. Far to late to try to read that mate.
  13. Can’t seem to pull off making my mid 3 to stay in centre and spray direct balls over the top for my front 3 to run onto??? Can anyone help with positions & roles and instructions.
  14. confused there is not beta codes!!!! so if you have the code and its in steam activated it'll unlock for beta?
  15. I bought it before there was 2 versions but I have mine in my lib ready activated , there is no special beta codes if you have it in ye lib activated then it'll unlock when they release...
  16. That’s my understanding but like others have said I already have the code and it’s on my steam ? So am confused ?? Is there special keys for beta?
  17. Ppl should read the whole post not jump in with a worthless 5ps worth
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