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Everything posted by daveh83

  1. And who says am not getting beta??? I have the key entered and fully on my steam like last poster said it’s likely I’ll get it coz it’s all verified. Please read the whole thread before posting.
  2. Not when I first purchased !!! U need to read properly.
  3. Hope so mate and if that’s the case I’ll never be buying from them again awful that milking ppl of extra money.
  4. But am screwed unless I buy a new code with “early access” am guessing ?
  5. Dunno why they have now brought out a new one for £3 more saying early release
  6. Ye and then week later this new one came out with early release ! So dunno mine will unlock on beta day.
  7. Fuming bought off cdkeys at time only one version out so I assumed it came with beta release. Now weeks later they’ve release another version for £3 more stating early release. Screwed now I guess! And they won’t do anything about it. I offered to pay the extra for another code. Think there’s a chance it’ll unlock anyways on beta day ? Ha
  8. Fuming bought off cdkeys at time only one version out so I assumed it came with beta release. Now weeks later they’ve release another version for £3 more stating early release. Screwed now I guesd
  9. You need inverted wingbacks when playing a back 4. So they come into mid ahead of the 2 CBs
  10. I have m1 16gb and 3d is great !! 8gb isn’t enough.
  11. Wtf are you going on about ? I haven’t had a go at anyone’s work nor mentioned names or anything I just simply mentioned sky sports skin wouod be very popular that’s all and as for my remark about money it was simply a donation idea! I wouldn’t actually pay anyone for a skin. You’ve got ppl begging for donations via PayPal even if it’s £1 so pipe down and stop being so bitchy. Am not even arsed if am honest it was an idea from a passing comment.
  12. deffo but if it was at start of the game coming out its something if done well ad of paid for tbh.. £10-20 haha
  13. wasn't on about you personally , I just made a general pt why no one hasn't made one, they scared of copyright or something
  14. wish someone could just create a sky sports skin , can't get me head around why no one has done it
  15. trying to replicate the old skool way of playing 442 and its proving very hard to do so, its like the engine isn't capable of doing it, obv all my instructions are set to play down the wings and use my wingers but they keep cutting inside and not running down the wing and putting a cross in, now if I play with inside forwards and play with attacking wingbacks to run to byline and cross it works beautifully all the time!!! any ideas or suggestions I have my 2 wingers training to that pos and learning traits of running down the wings, my left wingers are Luka Romero and schjederup (training to have his trait removed) wingers for the right are singo and bardghji... again very very hard to sign natural wingers that hug touchline and cross , there all inside forwards etc
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