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28 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I have been playing around with a few different options for setting up child competitions. I have a parent with two child divisions with a playoff between top teams in the two children that determines a champion and promotion, Ideally, I'd like matches between the two divisions, which led me to create it as two groups. But I can't seem to get group names the way I want (the groups are sorted regionally, but they don't match the east/west labels - they're reversed). So I was wondering if it would be possible to have each division as a stand alone stage in the parent competition and then use a hidden group stage to add inter-division matches. My thinking was that I could create two separate league stages and use 'get all teams from division' selecting the child division from each. But I'm not sure if this would actually work as the child divisions won't be set up in a traditional way. So it would look like this: Parent Competition Stage 0 - league - get all teams from division 'east' Stage 1 - league - get all teams from division 'west' Stage 2 - group - all matches are generated in this stage with get all teams from division 'east' and then get all teams from division 'west'. Stage 3 - playoffs - get qualified teams from stage 0, 1 Does anyone know if this would work? Would an alternative option be to keep the two child divisions and then have a hidden stage in one of them that actually plays the matches and sends the results into stage 0 of both competitions? Many thanks.
  2. Still working on this. I can get the playoffs to promote teams directly, or get the playoffs to qualify teams for the upper division's pro/rel playoff, but not both. Trying to combine the two sets of rules gets me this error:
  3. Thanks, @keon. I tried your advice and removed the promotion/relegation playoff so that only two clubs were promoted via the National League playoffs. I even tried setting it up again in basic rules (where the National League playoffs were only for promotion, not championship) and I copied all the settings faithfully and it still didn't work. I set up the National League as two groups (of 14 teams) with extra fixture plan rules (so that they would play 8 matches against the other group) and now I'm wondering if that's causing problems.
  4. It's weird because sometimes the error says that four teams are relegated from the Challenge League, sometimes three, and sometimes two, which implies that the promotion/relegation playoff is happening (and sometimes the Challenge League teams are losing), but something in the fate actions in the two cups is not sending the promoted teams up.
  5. Thanks for the tip on promotion places in the league settings and suggesting looking at Germany, @rusty217! I had to make a couple of other corrections. It's easy to forget that if you change the name of a stage in one place you have to really go through all the screens with a fine-toothed comb to make sure it's changed everywhere! Ah, spoke too soon - the upper league verified but it's now saying the lower league had 0 promotions. Back to the drawing board.
  6. Hello community! I recently had the best newgen (FM22) I've ever generated in my save - he's already considered a four-star CA player and has been named to the media's "dream XI" for my league. So he's well on track to taking the league by storm - but I want to see how far he can go. I wanted the community's thoughts on how I might develop him. I currently play a 4-3-3- with a DM(d), DLP(s), and a CM(a). I think he's got the physicals to be a B2B and I've played him in the CM(a) a couple of times, but I was also wondering if we could play deeper, like a regista or second volante. How would you train him? What PPMs? All suggestions welcome!
  7. I had no idea this was even a setting - it works! Thank you!!!
  8. Hello, I've done some searching through the forum and although I've found some helpful advice, I find myself stumped. I want a promotion/relegation playoff between the Canadian Challenge League (bottom two automatically relegated, next two into a pro/rel playoff) and the National League of Canada (two groups, top four from each group into the championship playoff, winner and finalist automatically promoted, losing semi-finalists into pro/rel playoff). As best as I can tell, my settings are correct, but I keep getting the following: I have the following in the league qualification settings: And the following National League of Canada playoff stage fate actions: Any insight/assistance anyone could provide would be deeply appreciated! I've also attached the file: Canada 4.4.fmf
  9. I loaded it as a fully-playable league, but started unemployed and holidayed. Should it work under those conditions or do I actually need to manage a club?
  10. This link gives a good background. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/527393-affiliation-types/
  11. Hello editing community! For the life of me I can't get goal of the month/year awards to work. I've tried creating from scratch, duplicating an existing entry (and re-selecting all drop-downs based on suggestions I've seen on the boards for using the 'duplicate' function in the editor) and just renaming and changing the league of an existing award. It shows up in the award list, but is never awarded. Am I missing something? Many thanks.
  12. I'm on a Mac. I'm going to try re-installing this evening. Strangely, I can run the FM24 editor and FM24 itself at the same time. UPDATE: I tried reinstalling both but the issue persists...
  13. Hello community, I've just purchased FM24. I've had a long-running custom database file that has grown and been updated from FM20 to FM22. I decided it was time to re-do the database from scratch. Back when I was working on the FM22 file, I was able to open both the FM20 and FM22 editors at the same time, which made copying advanced rules so much easier. I've tried to do the same with the FM22 and FM24 editors, but once I've opened one, the second never seems to open (doesn't matter which order I open them in). Steam looks like it'll run the second program, but then it closes and the Steam library button goes back to "Play". Am I doing something wrong, or is this functionality gone? Many thanks.
  14. I'm no expert, but you should look at the Champions League cup's set-up date - if the set up date is before the regional cups can finish, then the game will correctly pick the most recently "qualified" teams - from the last fully completed version of the competition - the previous year's.
  15. You have to list them in the config file in a specific order. What I did was create an adboards numbering 1-99 (literally just white boards with a 1, 2, 3... on them). If you load them into each club's section in that order you can see which number in the list corresponds to which adboard in the stadium. Every stadium is different, but sometimes similarly sized stadiums have the same layout. Let's say you want a Sports Interactive board right behind the east goal. When you load the numbered adboards you see that the adboard that you want for Sports Interactive is "37". Once you figure out what you want in each spot around the stadium and in the stands, you just have to put the Sports Interactive one 37th in the list. For this to work you have to actually have 36 entries before #37. You can have the same adboard appear multiple times if you want. Say Sports Interactive's number is 12231. It would look like this in the config file: 33. 12235 34. 12230 35. 12240 36. 12241 37. 12231 You can also assign set competition and national adboards. The challenge is that those typically get loaded once the game has run through your whole list of assigned adboards. That means that you need to figure out where alongside the pitch you want the competition boards to start and then only assign numbers in the list up to that point. So let's say you want a competition adboard ("Major League Soccer") to be right in front of the visiting bench and that is #60 when you load the numbered boards). You'd have to have 59 entries, and the once the game has run through all 59, it starts with competition boards, then nation (I believe).
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