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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. is their another link for this, OP isn't working for me. also another great idea Rusty.
  2. i like the idea of this, it's interesting to know but I probably don't go to the national team screen much so seeing it in the league would be useful
  3. I agree with you on Asia having potential for improvement, but i also see the same with Africa, if anything i think it's europe and the ameriacas that will start to fall away, obviously not the big teams 40 team World Cup: Featuring: 1 host nation 6 African teams 8 Asian/Oceanian teams 10 European teams 8 American teams 7 playoff teams World Cup Playoff: changes if possible Featuring: 8 African teams - 10 teams 5 Asian/Oceanian teams - 6 teams 10 European teams (reduced to 6 for 2030) - 7 5 American teams - 5
  4. always enjoy your files rusty, just wish CaF got more automatic spots over asia. on the FIFA Rankings their are 207 teams, if you take each region by teams in the top 75 CAF - 14 teams CONMEBOL/Concacaf - 6/9 15 teams Asia/Ocea - 10/0 10 teams just feels Caf get a tough deal when the other regions need to merge to get the amount of strong teams as them also glad you reduced the amount of playoff teams Europe get
  5. tanks for the reply. when in 2024 does this comp start and does this also include not having the below The Saudi-Egyptian Super Cup The Arab Club Champions Cup is also revived as the 2023 King Salman Cup, and continues next season in the same format. The GCC Champions League hasn't been scheduled since cancelled editions in 2016 and 2017 - now that Qatar and its neighbours are on friendly(-ish) terms again, this revives the competition next year. The African Football League
  6. do we disable your concacaf club fix and the club world cup file??
  7. Hi all, Been thinking about starting a new online career save, maybe starting from Monday 27th November using Sunday 26th as a set up day. I have a good computer so will have 6/7 playable leagues loaded and a good selection of others view only, to have a good pool of players, hopefully more variety of players to buy and help selling players. (have run a test holiday save and all seems okay) I'm thinking we not use teams in European competitions in the 1st season, so any team in the selected playable leagues but no transfer window in the 1st season either, gets the game up and running quicker. * looking for reliable players who want to build a team and not necessary buy every wonderkid in the game. *play at a good pace, time to read messages, reply to team issues and do other bits although we will holiday I'm not looking to speed through. (I'd say 2-3 weeks to get through a season) *play 2/3 nights a week Monday & Wednesday or Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 7:00pm - 11pm UK time (Possibly Sunday early evenings occasionally) game loaded 1hr or 30 mins before 7pm continue. *Chat/comms when playing will be via discord. (you'll need discord) Just wanted to gauge if there was any interest, all the above can be discussed, I'm new to organising an online save although have been in a few 2 or so years ago so maybe help from a co-host would be welcome
  8. love this idea, although i prefer if Europe isn't always the dominant continent in these files.
  9. Read this again and just as exciting as the first time, would love to something for fm24
  10. This was a great experiment, loved seeing Jamaica do so well. What happened to Canada??
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