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  1. Hello How do I make the chat work during a versus game in FM 24? When you meet people you are not friends with and the game is slow. I want them to speed up but every time I go to chat my pc freezes and can't type at all. 1 game went over 30 minutes .
  2. Could we get 2 more people to play a 4 teams league with National teams : We could play 4,5 - 4 or 3,5 star teams. Export National team, and then import in a versus game-
  3. Is there any chance , there is such a update ? I dont think so, but maybe .
  4. Equilibrium Disruptor You dont play Fm 24 ?
  5. Many with that name, not easy. My friendcode is 152769855
  6. Just noticed that today. Single player game,, went on holiday to next match. When the game is finished, it wont continiue
  7. We can run a world cup in Versus game mode , with 8-16-32 teams. Everyone takes a national team. Select players, then EXPORT your team. Then when people log in, you can IMPORT your team, and then we can a play a group, then knock out games. A world cup could be done in 1,5 hours.
  8. Anyone for a versus game this morning ? My friend code on steam is 152769855
  9. Anyone up a versus game in Fm 24 ? My friend Id is 152769855
  10. Just think the player will enter youth ball at the club. After that, they enter the game as 15/16-year-olds with the intake of youth. It is also in fm 21. He was 12 .
  11. Both have to been online. You can play matches, at the same time. You can make a adjustment , when you both play each other. Make a game, and arranged a friendly against eact other, just testing, to see how it goes.
  12. Game : FM 23 or a Fm 21 Touch Type of Game : Versus game / Fm 21 touch career Age : 60 Timezone : Denmark gmt +1 When can we play : We can talk about it Steam usedname : birkelse1 or friend code 152769855
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