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50 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Europe: Cyprus SA: Ecuador and Paraguay NA: US lower leagues (at least the second tier) Asia: Saudi, Qatar, UAE, India top level. Thailand would be cool as well. africa: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia Oceania: NZ
  2. Better AI squad building and player rotation is a must. Also I really hope they don't take away the pre-game editor.
  3. It's refreshing to see a thread with no screenshots and just text (not that I don't like screenshots, but I do like reading). Good luck in the new season!
  4. Hey, good to see you finally doing well in one of your careers Maybe for next year it would be a good idea to try to sign some good Emirati players so you don't have registration issues in the Champions League.
  5. Congrats on winning the cup! It's sad that you resigned but definitely understandable given the disrespect shown by the board. As for your next move, do you want to stay in Poland (perhaps at a bigger club) or would you like to go abroad?
  6. Perfect, I was waiting for the salary bug to be fixed before downloading this. Thanks a lot! Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to make it work?
  7. I'll give it a try but to be honest I'm not very interested.
  8. Same here. What was the last edition without an editor? CM4? Not having an editor and not being able to change "Zebre", "Capitoline" and "Real Hispalis" to their real names might put me off FM completely.
  9. A bit off topic but to be honest I've been pleasantly surprised lately by the amount of people that play both FM and Paradox games (me being one of them of course ). I guess they both scratch the same nerdy alternate worlds itch.
  10. Speaking of which, do we know if there's been extra researchers recruited for the women's database? Because if it's the same team doing both men and women the accuracy of the database for both football worlds, so to speak, is certain to suffer as a result.
  11. I don't know if that's really the reason though because I think EAFC has women players' weight and that's a game with a much wider player base.
  12. This is outside the scope of this thread but since the AI can't really cope with the MLS roster rules either it should have simpler rules in game. I know it's a licensed league but if EAFC gets away with it I can't see why FM wouldn't, especially considering that simpler rules would make more people play in the MLS and thus become more familiar with the brand.
  13. At this point I'm sincerely hoping they don't announce they're cutting out the pregame editor next.
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