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Everything posted by polosuzou

  1. Hello, Not sure if someone already told it in this forum (it's actually a bit difficult to search for anything here), but you can't have a routine 1 work into box and a routine 2 long throw. They all have to be one type for all six routines (left + right sides). Here's my game file to check the issue: https://we.tl/t-nSWsLa9BM3 (can't use your cloud on my computer, I don't know why) Here are some screens to show the problem, even though it isn't very flagrant. You just have to get all three the same, and not sometimes a work into box, and often a long throw. It's too bad that it was actually a big feature for this new game... I hope you'll find a solution for the next patch.
  2. Hello! Sure, here is the file. I cannot use your SI Cloud service, since i cannot register and cannot connect with my sigames forum IDs. So please find my save right here on a wetransfer one: https://we.tl/t-nSWsLa9BM3 Please tell me when you'll know what to do.
  3. Hi guys! I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to share this anomaly: even if I ask to scout a player out of the permitted scouting range, it won't cost me anything. I did it for a few players this month and take a look at the second screenshot: I didn't pay any penny to do so. It is actually a great thing for a low budget club like mine, but it lacks of realism at the end of the day. Is it normal?
  4. Most certainly, I'll begin with a french club save just to see how it goes. Do you guys know when the first patch will be released? I read that there's a lot of problems to correct from the beta and I assume that it won't take only a few days to get it done.
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