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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Can you guys help me with something: In the editor, I want to filter all affiliated teams and that's easy to do. But how can I filter only the only one who are not the main club, or even those which are. I tried adding the fields "ismc" or "type" on the the club filter file, but those won't help, it doesn't let me choose them on the editor. For example, in the search bellow I can filter all clubs who have B Teams in Spain, but what i really need in the results are only the B teams. Some are easy to spot, but when the search is big enough, it's just demanding.
  2. Thanks for the answer, I was checking the other files, it happens only to Nations changes. I'll try to remove the changes directly the database changes list and see if it will do.
  3. Hey @Daveincid, can you help me with something? I like to make some changes for myself in the games and I was checking your files in the editor and some of the changes made seems a little bit odd. For example, I was trying to make some changes in the transfer preferences file, and although there the number of changes there, I can't really find all those changes. Even when i check the database changes, there's some odd information there. Also, when i search for countries with changes in the filters, there's only 11. So what I want to question is if all the other changes there are really taking effect in the game or not. ps.: the reason for change is that I like to create some custom coutries, so I need to change evertything related to that country ID.
  4. be sure to add that team back to the league
  5. I guess I may have figured out the problem. The second division from Iceland (1. deild) are supposed to have 12 teams. In the 23.4 database, there is one team that is now extinct. So if you check teams for next season, there 12, but only 11 for current. That's because Knattspyrnufélagið Kórdrengir is now an extinct team. So, you add back that team, all works fine. I don't know if the team folded, but the downside is that it can get a bit unrealistic if so.
  6. Hey, I have another question. Do you know how to add a filter to sort which clubs have reserve teams? I only found data to add "reserve teams to create" filter, but that doesn'y help. So, can someone help?
  7. So, let me explain what I'm trying to do. I created a new Nordic Superleague. I took all clubs from the Nordic countries and put their Nation to Denmark (I kept their based and continental nations). I also got the leagues from those countries and put them all in lower leagues, to get them regional. Doing so, I made all those other countries willingly unavaiable, as I only need Denmark now. I've done this in other years and all worked fine. This year I get all those done, test in the editor and it's fine. But the thing is when I load into game and try to start a new career. The game doesn't load all my changes. It keeps getting rules from the default database and mix eveything. Even some of those are still avaiable to choose when starting, although it should have no teams. Sometimes it doesn't even get the minimum teams to start, but seems random. I'm testing this with this single file, there's no other in editor data and I had no luck till now. The uploaded file name is "test nordic 1.6.fmf" Can you help?
  8. Thanks for that, but what i'm actually trying to do is to delete some nations rules from the database. I know this is not the place, but for some reason, when I start a new game, it mix my edit file with the default rules and make everything random.
  9. Is it possible to delete some nation rules from this file? Somehow it is bypassing my edited file
  10. I need a little help. I'm editing a division that includes teams from another nation. In other to do that, I need to change all the temas from that nation. But somehow, although everything works fine in the pre-game editor, when I try to start a new carrer, the game seems to keep the basic nations rules over my changes. So, my try to workaround this is to find this basic rules and erase those. So, my question is, where do I find these rules and delete them?
  11. There you go the first screenshot. For the 2nd, my mistake, I found it.
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