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45 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. You can so with staff, so why not introduce it with players? For sure this is an important topic in real life before a new manager is appointed. (this is when you change jobs, not when you start the game.)
  2. It was regarding signing a player from Germany and I tried everything out of interest as to why he would sign for Chelsea who have not been in the top 4 in ages and is in the Europa League. In the end I offered same conditions and a higher salary but he still chose Chelsea. Also happened with another player from Mexico who chose Newcastle (Conference League) over Barcelona. It actually seems like many players are not interested here just a few months after Barcelona won the Champions League. Maybe because the salary cap just got lowered from 5.5M to 3.9M p/w? Anyway I am quitting the save. I cant register the newly promoted B team as the salary cap is 91.000 p/w in the 2nd division. Yes thats 91.000 for the entire squad.
  3. Hi. Did you figure this out? I have the same problem. How is it possible to register a B team with such salary caps? My B team was just promoted to La Liga and because of the salary cap I cant even register the team that just played in the Primera Division RFEF.
  4. I just won the Champions League and La Liga with Barcelona but players find it more appealing to play for English teams playing in the Conference and Europa league. Is this normal? Is the premier league rated that much over La Liga?
  5. I am playing Barcelona and for the season 34/35 and it was just announced that the maximum amount of non eu players will be decreased from 3 to 2. This will force me to sell a non eu player. One thing is that I find such a change very weird, another thing is that it also seems very un logical considering that Spain is considered a gateway for many southern american players. Has anybody else experienced this or is this an unfortunate "bug" in the game?
  6. Thanks for the answer ... and thank god they corrected that. Any news about how newly built stadiums look would also be appreciated. I always fond it a huge disappointment how your brand new stadium looked. Just no soul whatsoever with a desolate apocalyptic background showing in all 4 open corners. Why on earth chose that kind of design as the default new stadium look??
  7. Hi there Could someone please quickly reply if Evertons new stadium has 4 open corners in the new version of FM?
  8. Not in the last many versions of FM. Never even had a player from the youth intake break into the first team even though having the best youth setup possible. Economically I dont even know if its worth it to upgrade.
  9. Hi there. I havent been playing for some years as too many things seemed flawed and one of them that really bothered me was the graphics for new stadiums. What does the new Bramley Moore Dock stadium look like in FM23?
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