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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. But thats the whole point here! Players in lower leagues are in fact miles away in terms of their footballing skills. Otherwise they would have been playing in the bigs already.
  2. I would rather ask, what is that leftback doing? Why is he not comming inside to cover for CB who is stepping up? These are absolute football basics that are not in the game like never. There is zero team defending in this game. Just 11 players runnig around individually.
  3. To those who argue about cutting inside and all that. Guys, do you actually watch football nowadays or just highlights or whatnot? Wide players dont take on their man IRL as often as you might suggest; and if they do, they go to the byline more often than not, trying to cross or cut the ball back. Cutting inside equals turnovers these days and happens only in specific environment like counterttack or perfectly permormed 1v1 iso. Expecting your widemen to cut inside, dribble past 3 opponents and score is just silly. Those days are gone, Im sorry.
  4. Lots of people made a good point in this thread so Im not gonna repeat that. I will say this though. THIS GAME IS SO VANILLA, SO GLITTERY SOFT! To the point it gets... outrageous, ironically. There is almost no chance something unplesant happens in the game universe. - clubs bankruptcy, forced relegations and all that? Like never happens. - career ending or at least years lingering injuries that force player to retire or diminish their abilities significantly? Like never happens. - players refusing to sign with your team because they dont like you, stuff member or potential teammate? Like never happens. - players not getting along with teammates, stuff members causing havoc and outrage in the locker room? Like never happens. - unfriendly media trying to get you fired by turning the fans and the board against you via mean and untruthful articles? Like never happens. - agents trying to convince their clients not to sign with your team because they dont like you? Like never happens - "media pressing" trying to turn the fans against certain player in order to make him leave the club? Like never happens. - fans protests causing games postponement, fines or even owners selling the club? Like never happens. And so on, and so forth. I hope you get the point. Right now you just load up the save, buy some wonderkids, plug some gegenpressing tactics (or whatever the META is at the moment) and win games in this ideal universe. No challenge at all!
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