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Posts posted by Callaway

  1. On 01/07/2024 at 08:21, snowofman said:

    search for transparency in the "class object browser" and remove it from the possible 2 places and it should be gone as a background

    Thanks for the reply. This skin doesn't seem to have the "class object browser" folder or panel. It does have the 'client object browser' with these 3 entries:


  2. Morning all, what panel(s), graphic(s) control the black bar? Just want to extend it so it goes all the way across the screen (there is a gap on the right) and maybe change the colour of it and the writing to secondary and primary (team) colours.

    May thanks for your help in advance and sorry if it's been asked before.


  3. Great skins as always.

    I'm just wondering if anybody knows what panel controls the Scouting Meeting inbox panel (attached). I could do with extending the whole panel given that there is space under the buttons

    My display settings are as follows if that makes a difference

    Resolution 1920x1080, windowed and 95% zoom

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    scouting screen.png

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