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Everything posted by nala

  1. I have started using shouts much more sparingly because of the problems they cause. This approach is quite inconsistent with Managers who stand on the touchline and communicate with their team throughout the match, something I would do in a real situation. I have great difficulty in accepting that regardless of temperament a team or player becomes 'overwhelmed with the feedback' when encouraged. They may feel they want to ignore the manager but overwhelmed or frustrated!!! Other player reactions I get irritated with are when I put a few subs on and they 'would have preferred to stay on the bench'. Quite ridiculous really. I watch EFL football each week and during those games I have never seen a player who appeared to prefer to stay on the bench. Similarly in all my days of playing, the subs could hardly wait to get on to the field. Could you imaging what Brian Clough, Neil Warnock, Alex Ferguson and hundreds more managers would say or do to a player in that situation that would suddenly 'un-frustrate' them. The words would be around the players finding themselves transfer listed pretty quickly. The shouts are a seriously irritating part of FM and as a customer I believe they should have some serious work done on them.
  2. I will be waiting to see if they have solved the annual problem since FM19 of crossing and attackers running to the wings instead of the goal. Previous versions have taken the Mickey in this subject by promising improvements and delivering none. The second thing I will be looking for are the inane comments offered for team talks and press conferences. I all my years of playing I never had a manager say, 'I have faith' and many others. Its irritating So. for me it wait to see what is said in the bugs section on the forum.
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