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Issue Comments posted by nala

  1. On 24/02/2022 at 16:16, Kyle Brown said:

    I appreciate it's been a long time coming, but we've made some changes in the just-released Winter update. 

    Any feedback would be appreciated. 

    Thank you all for the patience, and apologies once again for letting this one slip past release day. 


    You asked for feedback. I can see much improvement in that players when attacking no longer run from a good position to a bad one on the bye line as much as they did before and that they now attack more directly. Crossing appears better too. Its a been a long time coming though as FM 19 to 21 all contained a similar issue.

    Some people in these posts are saying that there should be more dribbling and this is a point I can agree with. However progress has been made in FM22.

    Having said all this, it is quite ironic that after FM19 to FM22 we are now saying things are becoming better. This is after many players have paid out £35+ in each of those 4 years before we are now seeing improvements that many have been shouting for since Jan 2019. I just wish SI would take more notice of us. The game should be 'good' before it is released. Many of us feel we are dismissed and that our comments are undervalued by SI and feel that we are not listened to. I personally have been 'reprimanded' by one moderator, something I totally reject, for saying you were not keeping us up to date, telling us things are under review only to find there are no changes made and much more.

    I do sometimes wonder who tests the products and whether they are 'real players' like the many who have commented in this thread. I would just love a conversation with the developers.

    Anyhow I do think its congratulations to SI for getting this almost right now. Thank you.


  2. Kyle Brown

    To say what you have just said on 26th January is an update in itself so thankyou. To know that you have been testing and made good progress is a massive step forward compared to the last two FMs where I felt completely let down by SI. This is a major problem. I watch real English football every week and yes some players will run wide but most often players who are in a central position, will attack the defence head on, especially if they are good attacking players, and would not even consider breaking to the goal line (end line) either side of the goal and then turning the ball back in the way they do on FM22.

    Thankyou for your honest update.


  3. FM has had problems with this and similar related matters since FM20. The main issue was crossing where a high (too high) proportion of crosses were deflected out of play for a corner. It was boringly predictable. FM20 was never fixed

    Many  FM players waited with great anticipation for FM21 that this would be fixed. It wasn't. It was claimed to be 'under review' but never revised. I got into trouble with one of the moderators for being very critical - no big deal but it showed the way that SI games resist negative comments.

    When FM22 came out I waited and saw more positive things in the forums so I bought it. Disappointingly, the problem is solved mainly by the winger or whoever, turning back and passing back. Wingers don't do that. They don't wait until a defender gets close and then turn back or kick it at the defender. They cross it early if they cannot dribble round.

    The problem mentioned here is  very similar with strikers and midfielders approaching goal then veering off the the wings and following the behaviour mentioned above. They don't do that. They run at the defence and take the defender on or lay the ball off to another  player going forward.

    We cannot expect FM to emulate FIFA in its graphics quality or precisely simulate a real football match but we can expect better than the issues mentioned on this thread. No amount of tinkering around with using players on the opposite foot to the side of the pitch they are playing or adjusting player instructions, can make up for these match engine deficiencies. 

    I would just love a conversation with the developers!!!!!!

    Come on SI games give us an update; communicate with us.


  4. Really pleased to see this is being looked at.

    Players not following team instructions on crossing particularly, was a problem with FM20 and FM21 and never solved. With FM 22, crossing issues are so much better in that players no longer run to the by line with the ball, wait for a defender to come, try to cross and find it blocked resulting in a corner.

    However, setting instructions to low crosses or whipped crosses makes no difference as high balls are invariable sent in. It really does want a solution. 

    Having said that, the match engine is a great improvement and I believe SI have done a good job with it overall.

  5. 20 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Could you please provide a save game for us to investigate when you get a moment? Thanks in advance. :) 

    I have this issue in reverse. Selecting squads for first v second team I am told Theo Corbeanu who is in the U23s is on holiday.

    He is not showing on U23 screen as on holiday

    I have removed him from both squads but when I press 'confirm squads - manage first team only' I get a message 'Sheff Wed second XI team selection Theo Corbeanu is unavailable as he is on holiday'

    I have uploaded a save game to your cloud called Alan Taylor - Sheff Wed.fm for the same date as the issue occurs. Just press 'MUST RESPOND' and it takes you to the page.

    No custom files or database in use.

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