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Everything posted by Fox990

  1. Can we talk about press conferences? Generally I don't do them, but it's a real shame having to skip something that is supposed to add to the immersion, but doesn't do that and has never been improved since its introduction. On my Man Utd save I won the league on goal difference and unexpectedly won the CL (a kind knockout draw made it possible). Over that summer I sold a bunch of big name players and more or less overhauled the squad. What do I get asked about in my first three press conferences in a row that season? Is it our achievements in the previous season? Is it how I'll bed in all the new signings and whether I plan to change how we play? Is it the sales of influential players like Varane, Maguire, Casemiro, or even club captain Bruno Fernandes? Is it the fact that Rashford is angling for a big move to PSG? No, none of that. What the press really want to know - and ask me in three press conferences in a row - is how I will cope with the retirement of Tom Heaton. Tom Heaton, my third choice keeper who played a grand total of zero minutes in the four competitions we competed in last season. I understand a question might get asked about retirement if the player was a regular and/or particularly influential in the dressing room but Heaton was neither. This is not something a real manager would be asked time after time especially when there are so many topics he could be asked about (and I'm not even including the actual fixture the press conference relates to!). This could be so much better and it's frustrating they did the bare minimum on this and have never tried to improve it.
  2. For me this stuff is part of the fun. It may not be amazingly realistic but quite frankly neither is you or I managing a football club.
  3. I like the idea of both in theory, but in practice they don't really work. For press conferences I just pick the second from the left option in most cases. I would like it if the questions were more interesting or relevant. Being asked if I agree that my good player is good is pointless (did Spurs managers ever get asked "Is Harry Kane important to your team?" in a pre match presser?) and likewise being asked why I'm playing a player in a certain position as if it's the first time it's happening when I play him in the same position and role every week. In the FA Cup final press conference why am I being asked if I agree with the manager of some mid table club transfer listing a player I've never even heard of? I just wish there was some way to make it less repetitive and have more context to what's actually happening.
  4. Hi, I have done that a few times, makes no difference unfortunately.
  5. On Saturday I came across an issue where the pitch on the tactics screen went black, and clicking "analysis" overlays the whole pitch with dots. This happened on one save I had with Spartans in Scotland, but has since occured on my other save with Man Utd (this is where my screenshots are from). I have tried starting a few new save games to see if it would go back to normal but the screen is like this now on every game I start, no matter the team or league. I have made no changes save for a logo pack (the same one I had in the last version of the game I had, FM21) and fixing the fake names, which I do on every version without issue. I have tried: reloading the skin, downloading a custom skin and switching between them, and uninstalling and reinstalling FM24, but so far nothing has helped. Any advice?
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