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[Feature enhancement] Option to return from holidays / postpone meetings


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Hello all,

Though I might add to the discussion here by referring something that would be of a lot of value to me. I am not sure if this is of massive appeal to FM players, but I have read here and there that, like me, some people holiday through the dates when no matches are held. Thing is, after the first 1/2 months of a new FM, pretty much nothing is a novelty, so since I am doing other things on the computer while I play, I use the holiday function a lot.

Problem is, these days my way of play practically ruins my team morale every month. Players get upset when I do not talk to them directly when they request more time to play, team meetings solely happen when I return from holidays - one day without answering to a complain is enough to simply lose the option to - and when that happens, the whole team is on the side of the plaintiff, likewise when a player requests me to accept an offer from an interested club (whether they have made an inquiry or not) and I do not individually say I will "accept the offer that meets our evaluation". Adding to this, contract renewals/ offers: I cannot count how many times I have signed a 5-year contract with my current club on holidays and lost yet again a new request for an improved contract after a run of good exhibitions by a player.

Mind you, nowadays I "holiday with care": I do not do it on deadline days or when I am applying for a new job. I also do not holiday for more than 10 days, which I find reasonable.

What I would like to see happening would be either to any an assistant that would act on my behalf to postpone the meetings / mere option from which you would setup some guidelines so people don´t go bananas every time I have a 14 day pause on the championship and I am browsing reddit while it processes.

I do reiterate that I understand if the developers don´t want to do something about this, as the feature probably works as expected, but please, at least give us some way to avoid renewing our contracts without discussing them. As it stands, I cannot tell when does the board want to hold a meeting to discuss that possibility (while I understand it gets more probably when you have less than 6 months on it) and I simply cannot save every 10 days,as it would time consuming.

Thanks and I hope this does not sound pretentious.

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I guess that's the realism of it all - do you hang around even when you don't want to so you can be accessible to your players, or do you leave to make things easier for yourself but risk seeming lofty and disconnected to your squad? In real life team morale does depend on these things. Though I do agree with you, assistants should, you know, assist with these things while you're gone regardless.

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