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What do the AI manager tactical preferences really mean?

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(I didn't know whether or not I should post this topic into the tactics forum or at the general discussion forum, so I chose the latter)

Every AI manager in game has a description of the tactical preferences he uses as a manager. For example:




So, as we can see, every manager is described by the following subjects:
- Preferred Formation
- Playing style
- Coaching style
- Playing mentality
- Pressing style
- Marking style
- 2nd preferred formation
- Preferred defensive formation
- Preferred attacking formation

I think it is great that we can see and analyse these preferences of each manager, but what do these descriptions really mean? How do these preferences translate them self into the Tactical Creator and what can we really learn from these manager tactical preferences?

Maybe an underlying question from me in this topic is: how can I really spot what team instructions each manager uses and how they differ from one tactic to another for the AI? (My aim is to get better at using the TC by understanding how the AI managers are using it)

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First off I'll just say I have no inside knowledge so everything below is just my own judgement from playing the game and using the TC.


Preferred Formation

This is fairly straight forward on the surface, its the formation they are mostly like to use.  Each correspond to a default formation in the TC.  I would presume that it only refers to the positions though, the roles will be adapted depending on the players selected.  Other questions could be how often do they use it?  Can it change over time? What triggers using a formation different to their preferred?  Is it partially random? 


Playing style

Educated guess here is that it relates to passing length.  Guardiola's "passing" relates to short in the TC, several of your pics have mixed which could be mixed? in the TC with Klopp's direct referring to "direct"in the TC.  It might also extend to other TC options that compliment that passing style.  Again you could also add here can it change? during a match/season? based on other factors.

Coaching style

Again educated guess is its surprisingly to do with training.  It could be either personal to them as in the best category for them to train or its about the balance of training they run with more emphasis on this area.

Playing mentality

I would imagine this links to the overall mentality in the TC.  Attacking = attacking, adventurous = control? balanced = standard?  Again it might have a knock effect on other settings and I would imagine it can be modified based on the opposition & what is happening in the match.

Pressing style

All your pics have "closing down" so difficult to judge.  Maybe linked to how much closing down they like in the TC and perhaps other knock on options.

Marking style

Don't know about this one.  It could be a left over one from an older version where we used to be able to select zonal or man marking.  In the current TC we don't have that option now as its done as a by product of other options I guess.  On the other hand it might be something to do with OIs or set pieces but I'm not convinced.

2nd preferred formation

Same as preferred but just a different option.  When do they use it? & how often? maybe better questions.

Preferred defensive formation/Preferred attacking formation

Again just other formation options.  When do they use them? defensive when protecting a lead? attacking when they need a goal?

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As someone who is personally interested in the inner workings of the game, i can confirm that Preferred formation does change. I think it usually does when the manager moves clubs and there exist a vastly different squad to the one they've last left. I find that they usually change to some "certain" formations though.

The Brazilian managers usually go with something with 2 up top, the Germans with something akin to a 42211 or along those lines, and the Spanish with something that has triangles 433 or 4231 etc. So there appears to be a loose framework of favorite formations for different nationalities of managers. You see this in greater effect when the regen managers start coming through and/or when players start to retire from the game to management.

It's always been a fascinating part of the game for me. Along with Player Descriptions (like Midfield General) and other stuff like that.

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The methodology behind the changing preferred tactic is that the AI manager will look to copy a system that has been successful for other managers in that league or country.

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