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More Options for Transfer Start Dates


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In addition to the need for pre-negotiating loan deals prior to the window opening like you already can do with transfers, there needs to be more flexibility with the start dates allowed in general. For example, I currently want to loan a player to my club, however he is 17 and cannot be loaned until he turns 18. He turns 18 one week before the transfer window ends. I should be able to negotiate a deal that says yes, he will come to my club, on this date [birthday] when he becomes eligible, which is in a month or so. But I can't, so I'm forced to decide between loaning other less good players, or taking a risk to still need a striker one week before the deadline having no idea if his club will even let him go. I should at least be able to discuss it with them, but the entire "loan player" tab is grayed-out and unclickable...

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