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Dynamic Negotiations


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If I negotiate a deal with a player and he accepts but then also negotiates a deal with another club I often will go back and add more money to the previously agreed-upon terms in an effort to counteract the competition. However, it's hard to know what I'm up against. It would be much better if the agent of the player could return to me and say any number of things in reaction to these scenarios, such as, "hey, my client likes your club but this other one just offered more money. if you up your offer a bit we'll accept yours instead," and reopen talks.

All too often I feel like deals fall through when they really could've leveraged better terms and I could've landed the player, but we were all operating in the dark due to there not being the ability to communicate. And on top of that, it's frustrating when a target is considering multiple offers and the move just stalls for a long period of time meant to simulate indecision or contemplation or something, when in reality we all just threw in a blind bid and then are sitting around waiting, instead of actively negotiating dynamically back and forth during this time as I imagine it happens in real life.

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This feature is in game already, but only happens if a player priority destination has offered a lower contract value than the other club, which then the player will come back to the user about the situation.

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