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Grey border around 2d pitch


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So I’ve been directed here by a mod to post my issue. Apologies for posting the same basic thing all over the forum.

Having played FM since when it was very much still CM I have hugely enjoyed the design of the game being such that it has always had the ability to be modded by the community. I’ve appreciated that SI realise that adding graphics and such to the game greatly enhances the playing experience. It truly brings the game to life.

I personally have always loved the ability to put stadium backgrounds, thoughtfully, as if by design, numbered specifically to the teams that play at said stadiums. It’s fantastic to click on Man U, for example, and see Old Trafford in all its glory as a backdrop to the club, squad etc.

In previous incarnations of FM the stadium picture would also be there on matchday. Playing at Portman Road, Wembley, Camp Nou etc etc, with the stadium behind the game (commentary only back in the day, and then between highlights when 2d dropped) was so exciting and rewarding. Having those stadium pics, of the ground you were playing at, gave fantastic immersion. Real immersion. You felt like you were actually playing there.

Now of course, we still have the ability to have stadium pics on matchday (thank you Mr Murray for your great code). For the most part it works great. But here is my problem.

For a title that is constantly striving to immerse its customers in the world of football and, as I’ve said before, greatly achieving this, I just do not understand how the current state of graphics for the 2d pitch with the ‘plaster’ that is the grey border can still after 3 years, since 2d classic became um... 2d classic, be not only in the game, but, it would seem, completely void of being able to be altered.

I want to see as much of the stadium in the background picture as possible, for as much immersion as possible. I would like to be able to make the giant grey border transparent, to see the stadium I am playing at in all its glory.

The 3d engine has come on a long way however the stadiums, although better looking year on year, do not fully look like the actual stadiums we are playing at. So I’m not as immersed as I’d like to be. For me, tactically, like many many others, and graphically, 2d is also a superior option. Not to mention hardware issues many of us may have.

Of course, I can use split view, make the widgets transparent and see half of the picture of the stadium. But there, on the other side of the split screen is the pitch. The actual pitch? Great. Old school. Lovely. The big grey, blank, patched up looking, quick fix looking, immersion destroying box around the pitch? It just looks so out of place. As if an after thought. As if it’s covering something up (the 3d stadium presumably).

So I implore you. Please. The game is, and can be made to look, so beautiful and totally immersive everywhere else. Please make this change available to us.

Judging by various polls on this very forum I’d say at least half of us, possibly even more, prefer to play 2d still. After all these years. After all the improvements to 3d. So please, make 2d match day truly great again. 

Thanks for reading.

Edited by sidslayer
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Against my better judgement, I feel so strongly about this that I have to ask.

If anyone has the time at some point I’d very much appreciate some feedback on this request. Anything at all. It affects half of the matchday experience, for quite possibly around half of your customers. It is also an immersion request, which I’d imagine would be of interest to you.


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I, too, find this grey border around the pitch less than optimal. Also the widgets can't be placed at the border of the display to fully cover the grey area without obstructing the view on the pitch (they always "jump" away from the border of the display so there's a gap of a few centimeters).

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