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Players seem to be actively trying to miss...

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This is really starting to frustrate me. Players with excellent finishing missing easy chances. Strangely enough however, the AI seem to score the majority of their key chances whilst my players miss 9/10 key chances. Anyone else finding this?

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I usually score at least at the same or above the AI seasonal conversion rates. 

The Chance matters more than the Player who has it.

One on ones aren't all equal opportunity likewise. Those coming About from the current Me issues for instance tend to be finished from more difficult tighter angles, rather than in more central positions towards the Goal, such as These. They still probably should be scored at higher rates -- I'm still trying to get collect Long-term nubmers of those.

The game lacks Feedback on that, so you have to gauge it all for yourself.

Speaking About "easy chances", even the easiest chances should be realistically mostly 50/50 Affairs. There is few stuff in a match of Football that sees the Forward in the Edge (Ultra close range finishes, tap-ins, penalties and the like, which all aren't sure Goals either). This is an ULTRA LOW SCORING Sports for reason, despite TV commentary match commentary insisting otherwise every week. If that was ever Right, the average scoreline would be 5-5 as opposed to 1-1. :D 

Edited by Svenc
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@SvencMaybe the situation is different when playing with teams higher up in the footballing pyramid, but in the lower divisions it's infuriating. Players constantly miss shots from 6 yards and it requires at least 10 shots on target per goal. It seems also that the AI is given some kind of increased chance conversion to make up for it's lack of intelligence when it comes to the tactical side of the game. Disappointing.

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1 minute ago, Manicbruv said:

@SvencMaybe the situation is different when playing with teams higher up in the footballing pyramid, but in the lower divisions it's infuriating. Players constantly miss shots from 6 yards and it requires at least 10 shots on target per goal. It seems also that the AI is given some kind of increased chance conversion to make up for it's lack of intelligence when it comes to the tactical side of the game. Disappointing.

The ME cannot distinguish between human and AI teams, FWIW.

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59 minutes ago, Manicbruv said:

It seems also that the AI is given some kind of increased chance conversion to make up for it's lack of intelligence when it comes to the tactical side of the game. Disappointing.

It does not. The game does not make a distinction. In FM, if an AI team can do something, so can you. I am currently playing in the second division of Ireland. So poor players. And they have scored some very important goals from cool finishes. Sure, they miss some, but this happens at all levels in every match you will ever see. Out of interest, what do you think is an acceptable goal to shot ratio? Or conversion ratio?

2 hours ago, Svenc said:



What on earth is that defensive positioning there? Where are all the white defenders?

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12 minutes ago, Siven said:

All the chances my team miss or put into the side net (Damn you wingers and wide forwards!) i put down to the computer making them miss otherwise i'd win by 8 or 9 goals each game. 

I know im wrong, but it makes me feel better :D

I get this, it's only thing I've found so far in the game that slightly annoys me. So many chances to pass the ball for a definite goal but they shoot from silly angles :lol: 

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9 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

It does not. 

Yes it doesn't. It would be affected by all ME issues all the same -- unless you would Play very one dimensional Football and channel all Play to a Chance type completely bugged (possible, mind). 

I'm combatting this and it gets me every time as the AI on this game needs IMPROVEMENTS to Keep me interested / challenged over the longer term. However, if it were improved too much, it would be more efficient than it is now. I've raised stuff that made it less efficient than it could be in the past. Worse of all, it had to do with match Management that had Nothing to do with somewhat realistic match Management.

It is however possible to be actually worse and better than the AI. Your benchmark should be the seasonal conversion ratios of other AI Teams of similar stature playing similar AI Opposition. Over the long term of at least a Season if not more, not cherry picked Matches. Top Teams for instance face a lot of defensive AI that try to grind out results by sitting Deep and spoiling. 

Pep's Opposition seem to be cheating also.

Edited by Svenc
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I agree the AI and Match Engine is extremely frustrating right now and needs sme serious work to get it back to last years standard.

Im getting a fairly consistent 1in 10 goal to shots ratio, but more frustrating is all the missed chances that look so artificial and feel like a badly engineered forced miss by the AI rather than a genuine attempt on goal that resulted in a miss.

Forwards with a high finishing stat are consistently missing shots that would be easier to score, for example an AF shooting from inside the box while one on one with the keeper is constantly spooning the ball closer to the corner flag. IFs that ignore any passing opportunity only to consistently and reperatedly shoot into the side netting from an angle so acute the ball looks like it already went out for a goal kick, or my personal pet hate, 6 foot defenders that are repeatedly beaten to the ball at corners by the AI no matter how the cross is hit where its directed or even how far the AI player was from the target when the ball was played.

I thought at first it was a training issue but a complete overhaul of the backroom staff has made no difference and neither has adjusting training. 

Im even wondering if it may be an issue with a save game from the beta as i would normally make a fresh save after release.

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