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Need some help with custom skin


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I have very limited skin editing skills so I'm wondering if there's anyone who would be able to help me here. 

I'm trying to recreate this portion of the player attribute screen from fm18: 



The second screenshot is what I have so far. I was able to make the player face bigger and remove the club crest. I was also able to make the players nationality "small" however when I attempted to do it for the remaining widgets it didn't change. I'm also unsure how to add widgets (like the players height and preferred foot) and move them from the left to the right so there isn't so much empty space. Also move the "contracted to arsenal" bit below the players general information.

Is there anyone willing to help me out try to remake this? I'd appreciate all the help.

Also for anyone who may want to look at what I have so far I'll include the player personal details panel.

player personal details panel.xml

Edited by Pattric_b
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			<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_offset="0" />

			<!-- Nationality -->
			<widget class="label" font="label" size="small" auto_size="vertical">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="248033" type="use" value="Nationality[COMMENT - Hall of fame section]" />
			<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="intc " auto_size="vertical" font="value">
				<record id="widget_info" class="nation_button" auto_size="vertical" size="small" format="[%nation#1-nationality]" />
				<record id="widget_properties" auto_size="vertical" />
				<record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" />
			<!-- Int Caps -->
			<widget class="international_appearances_label" size="small" auto_size="vertical" >
				<record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" />

			<container height="6"/>
			<!-- D.O.B / Age -->
			<widget class="label" font="label" size="small" auto_size="vertical">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="458477" type="use" value="D.O.B.[COMMENT: player profile, personal details; Abbreviation for 'Date of Birth']" />
				<attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="10" vertical_alignment="top" vertical_inset="0" />

				<!-- Age -->
				<!-- We use an editable panel here just to make it disappear when editing-->
				<!-- fixed height as an attempt to fix 152615 -->--&gt;
				<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="age " auto_size="all" font="value">
					<record id="widget_info" class="formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" height="22" auto_size="all">
						<translation id="format" translation_id="242551" type="use" value="[%number#1] years old" />
					<record id="widget_edit_info" width="0" height="0" />
					<record id="object_property" get_property="Page" />

				<!-- DoB -->
				<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="dobl" auto_size="all" font="value">
					<record id="widget_info" class="game_formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="all" auto_size_minimum_height="20" format="([%date#1-short])" colour="faded text" />
					<record id="widget_properties" height="24" />
					<record id="object_property" get_property="Pdob" />

			<container height="6"/>

			<widget class="label" font="label" size="small" auto_size="vertical">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="292633" type="use" value="Estimated Value[COMMENT: player profile; value label]" />
			<widget class="value_label" id="valu" auto_size="vertical" font="value">
				<record id="object_property" get_property="Pdva" dont_set_hint="true" />

			<container height="6"/>

			<!--Wage / Expiry date-->
			<widget class="label" font="label" size="small" auto_size="vertical">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="257347" type="use" value="Contract[COMMENT - transfer status filter text; offers at contract stage]" />
			<container height="23" id="wged">
				<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="0" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

				<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcww" font="value">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="Pcww" />
				<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcex" font="value">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="Pcex" />


			<widget class="link_text" id="wgex" section="Pcnr" auto_size="vertical" font="value"/>
			<container height="10"/>

			<!--Player extra details (e.g. onloan at...)-->
			<container class="inner_subtle_box_no_margin" height="25">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

				<widget class="player_extra_details_text" font="title" alignment="centre" multiline="false">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="PExD" />



So I've reached my next roadblock lol. I've attached my 'player profile personal details' code and I figured if I changed the "vertical_arrange" to "horizontal_arrange" that could help me but when I reloaded the skin to see, the box was empty. I also noticed that the size of these widgets are set to small yet they appear larger than the nationality info still for some unknown reason. As you can see I successfully moved the "player extra details" to the bottom of the container. 


Would it work if I copied the fm18 player profile personal details panel?

Edited by Pattric_b
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Okay, so I eventually decided to try and copy the fm18 panel and just paste it into fm20's and after a little tampering and changing of random insets, offsets, alignments, etc I've put this together: 


Originally when I pasted the whole fm18 panel in, the player face was gone and I changed a bunch of random things but couldn't find a way to get it back so I went and copied the fm20 player face code and put that back into the panel. 

<!-- Profile picture -->
	<widget class="picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x,bottom">
					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="-10,50,0,300" />

					<!-- only show the picture if we should show portraits -->
					<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
						<boolean id="value" value="false" />

					<record id="object_property">
						<list id="get_properties">
							<!--Facegen data request-->
							<record get_property="fcgn" />
							<!--Fake name request-->
							<record get_property="Pfke" />
							<record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" />

And to my amazement, it actually worked, as you can see in the above screenshot. Can't really express how shocked I was that worked lol. 

But now onto my last issue, as you can see in the screenshot, the players personal details are missing quite a few bits of important information... after experimenting for a few hours and changing random things around, nothing seems to work. When I started, the flag wasn't visible and the horizontal columns were a lot smaller and basically crushed on top each other, so at least I didn't completely waste a few hours of my life. 

I know that many people who view this post won't be interested in helping if they even know how to help but this is my final plea for some kind of assistance, please! Could someone tell me what bit I need to maybe add? Or what part should I be changing? I'd really appreciate any help that may be out there. 

This is the entire 'player profile personal detail' panel I have right now:

<!-- Personal Details -->
  <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="10" gap="10" />
  <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

    <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="2" gap="10" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="10" />

    <!-- Attribute Analyser Container -->
    <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" id="over" height="140" offset="-300" gap="0" inset="0">

      <!-- Profile picture -->
	<widget class="picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x,bottom">
					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="-10,50,0,300" />

					<!-- only show the picture if we should show portraits -->
					<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
						<boolean id="value" value="false" />

					<record id="object_property">
						<list id="get_properties">
							<!--Facegen data request-->
							<record get_property="fcgn" />
							<!--Fake name request-->
							<record get_property="Pfke" />
							<record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" />
      <!-- Attribute Analyser -->
      <container id="ppaa" default_width="-7">
        <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="0" />
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

        <container class="subsection_box" id="ovrv" appearance="">
          <string id="title" value="" />
          <!-- there are two panels here: one for goalkeepers, and one for outfield players
			          only one panel is visible at any time -->
          <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="0" />
          <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" />
          <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

          <!-- outfield player analyser panel : visible by default -->
          <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="ofap" file="player/player attribute analyser outfield" hidden="false" auto_size="vertical" />
          <!-- goalkeeper player analyser panel : hidden by default -->
          <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="gkap" file="player/player attribute analyser goalkeeper" hidden="true" auto_size="vertical" />
        <!-- subsection box -->

    <widget class="table" id="pld1" mode="printable, fill_rows" alignment="all" layout="0,0,0,0" fixed_size_rows="true" auto_size_rows="false" row_spacing="0" >

      <list id="column_properties">
        <record indx="0" height="40" />
        <record indx="1" alignment="left,centre_y"  auto_size="vertical" />
        <record indx="2" alignment="right,centre_y" auto_size="vertical" />
        <record indx="3" alignment="left,centre_y"  auto_size="vertical" />
        <record indx="4" alignment="left,centre_y"  auto_size="vertical" />

      <!-- small inset from sides of table -->
      <list id="column_display_properties">
        <record indx="0" left="0" sort_disabled="true" />
        <record indx="1" left="6" top="1" right="5" bottom="1" sort_disabled="true" />
        <record indx="2" left="6" top="1" bottom="1" sort_disabled="true" />
        <record indx="3" rght="6" top="1" bottom="1" sort_disabled="true" />
        <record indx="4" rght="6" top="1" bottom="1" sort_disabled="true" />

      <!-- custom row graphics -->
      <list id="row_properties">
        <record indx="0">
          <flags id="appearance" value="tables/standard/row/alternate/row" />
        <record indx="1">
          <flags id="appearance" value="tables/standard/row/alternate/row" />
        <record indx="4">
          <flags id="appearance" value="tables/standard/row/alternate/row" />
        <record indx="5">
          <flags id="appearance" value="tables/standard/row/alternate/row" />

      <!-- Nationality -->
      <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="pfna" col="1" row="0" column_span="1">
        <record id="object_property">
          <integer id="get_property" value="Pnat" />
        <record id="widget_properties" icon_alignment="left" display_format="1" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- International Appearances -->
      <widget class="international_appearances_label" id="pfcg" col="1" row="1" column_span="2" size="8" Ualt="false"/>

      <!-- Age -->
      <widget class="label" id="pfag" col="3" row="1" column_span="2" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- Date Of Birth -->
      <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="pdob" col="3" row="1" column_span="2">
        <record id="object_property">
          <integer id="get_property" value="Pdob" />
        <record id="widget_properties" size="8" display_format="0" />

      <!-- Height -->
      <widget class="height_label" id="phei" col="1" row="2" column_span="2" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- Weight -->
      <widget class="weight_label" id="pwei" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" size="8" />

      <!-- Preferred Foot -->
      <widget class="label" id="pfot" col="3" row="2" column_span="2" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- Preferred Foot Label -->
      <widget class="label" id="text" col="3" row="3" column_span="2" size="8">
        <translation id="text" translation_id="227955" type="use" value="Preferred Foot" />

      <!-- Wage -->
      <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="wagw" col="1" row="4" column_span="2">
        <record id="widget_properties" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- Contract Expiry -->
      <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="pexp" col="1" row="5" column_span="2">
        <record id="widget_properties" size="8" />

      <!-- Value -->
      <widget class="value_label" id="pval" col="3" row="4" column_span="2" font="fonts/letterpressed" size="10" />

      <!-- Value Label -->
      <widget class="label" id="text" col="3" row="5" column_span="2" size="8">
        <translation id="text" translation_id="292633" type="use" value="Estimated Value[COMMENT: player profile; value label]" />

      <!--Extra Info -->
      <widget class="player_extra_details_text" id="pinf" spec="text" col="0" row="6" column_span="4" alignment="centre" style="semi_bold" colour="profile extra text" auto_size="vertical"/>

Someone please help me lol

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For 1920 resolution. Other resolutions will have to experiment with the various offsets and gaps in the attached xml.

Although I'd advise doing some ground-work before attempting to skin in general, i.e. read the guides and analyse/understand the coding of numerous panels throughout the game. 


Screenshot (1104).png

player profile personal details.xml

Edited by Loda
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17 hours ago, Loda said:

For 1920 resolution. Other resolutions will have to experiment with the various offsets and gaps in the attached xml.

Although I'd advise doing some ground-work before attempting to skin in general, i.e. read the guides and analyse/understand the coding of numerous panels throughout the game. 


Screenshot (1104).png

player profile personal details.xml 5.17 kB · 1 download

Thank you so much @Loda I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this! I haven't got a chance to play around with it just yet being that it's Christmas but will do soon enough. Happy holidays to you. 

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@Loda I got it looking nice now, one last thing is what would i have to adjust to be able to read this players entire nationality and international caps? As you can see it gets cut off and i'm not sure what number i'd have to change to make that wider so you can read it all? Any ideas?

Edited by Pattric_b
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4 hours ago, Pattric_b said:


@Loda I got it looking nice now, one last thing is what would i have to adjust to be able to read this players entire nationality and international caps? As you can see it gets cut off and i'm not sure what number i'd have to change to make that wider so you can read it all? Any ideas?

LINE 41:         <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" layout="-1,-1" offset="90" inset="0" gap="200">

You can widen that to a smaller number.  its essentailly narrowing the 2 columns by 90 pixels each side

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7 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

LINE 41:         <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" layout="-1,-1" offset="90" inset="0" gap="200">

You can widen that to a smaller number.  its essentailly narrowing the 2 columns by 90 pixels each side

Thank you that worked perfectly, one last question then I'm going to retire from this thread. Is it possible to move that column over to the right and also keep the age column where it is? 



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3 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

Use the inset number of the next line down to move that container. 


        <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" layout="-3,-4,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3" offset="0" inset="0" gap="-9">

Thanks for the help but this is the best i seem to be able to get it. 


The international details always seem to get cut off in the same spot regardless of what i change so I will just use this for now! Thanks again you guys are legends @wkdsoul @Loda



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1 hour ago, Pattric_b said:

Thanks for the help but this is the best i seem to be able to get it. 


The international details always seem to get cut off in the same spot regardless of what i change so I will just use this for now! Thanks again you guys are legends @wkdsoul @Loda



Experiment with the gap value, same line as wkdsoul mentions in his 1st post re. this panel. That can probably be reduced for low res. too. 

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