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rusty217 last won the day on October 22 2022

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  1. Have a look for a guide on how to use the resource archiver. Use that to make the continent editable. Then remove the continent of the nation you want gone. Be aware that in can cause issues if things haven't been done to account for their absence though.
  2. Actually had something like that happen once. I agreed to take a job at the end of the season, IIRC it was Arsenal too. But shortly after that they gave the job to somebody else (can't remember who exactly, but definitely one of the top managers). I was like WTF? But then the end of the season came and I still took the job, with the other guy they hired being booted down to assistant manager instead. Silly FM things.
  3. Isn't the game kind of bugged in that managers over 65 basically find it impossible to get any job offers?
  4. "It takes the best team" So league winners from countries that don't get automatic Caribbean Cup places, 2nd/3rd placed teams for countries that do.
  5. The club continental cup? You probably need to completely override the coefficients etc. for Asia too. Or you mean the AFC Asian Cup international tournament? What are your settings on the tournament, and have you edited Asian WC qualifiers too? WC qualifiers double up as qualifiers for the Asian Cup so if they're still left as the default rules they'd qualify teams for it.
  6. I've done it. Although it's based on the 2023 version with a group stage. It takes the best team (excluding teams qualified for the Caribbean Cup) from 19 Caribbean leagues and randomly selects 16 of them to make up the tournament. The top 2 then qualify for the Caribbean Cup. If you're interested I've also done a bunch of Caribbean leagues, although they're fairly basic, no research done on accurate prize money etc. p CONCACAF Club tournaments.fmf
  7. Open the filters drop down menu at the bottom left and turn it off. It's been in the editor for ages.
  8. https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/topic/540347-how-to-extract-continental-club-and-international-files-from-editor-tutorial/
  9. It's best to use fixed rules. The flexible/fixed choice generally doesn't show up if you're starting completely from scratch though, so sometimes you need to copy/paste the rules into a new file just to copy over that part of it. I don't think it really matters whether you edit existing rules or start a fresh file, flexible/fixed definitely makes a difference though. Flexible rules are meant to go with the default rules. Only changing things you've set as changes. Fixed rules replace the default rules completely and use only your new rules. Oh and the stuff about flexible rules being required for some promotion/relegation things is just false, you can ignore that.
  10. Check the detail level you're running the league in. I've noticed awards sometimes aren't simulated if there's nothing important going on there. It could be the switch to amateur has made the game change their default detail level. If you increase it, maybe even try full detail (slows down you're game if you have lots of leagues in full detail, but if you manage in it then it's full detail by default so simulating it like that would better show how it works when playing it) and see if the awards work then.
  11. NP, edited it because I thought it came across as a bit too hostile. Yep, the continental competitions are always running even if you choose no nations in that continent. The game loads a few players for teams in un-loaded leagues too. It's only a couple per high reputation team, but it's something. My game already runs slow enough as is, would really prefer it not be even slower For the record, I'm not against women's football being added at all. My concern is entirely performance based, and that's completely on SI to get right, women's football could be added with no performance decreases at all, will it? While I'm probably not planning to play it myself, it's still an interesting addition and it's certainly possible I'll give it a go too.
  12. My post was about continental cups/internationals. They've never been optional and are always running regardless of the leagues you run.
  13. It's not just leagues. If continental cups/internationals are running for women that'd slow down the game too. Plus players are often loaded even if the league isn't. It needs to be completely optional with the possibility of having nothing at all running in the game. TBH if I ever do a women's save I'd want the same there too, women only with no men's leagues running and slowing the game down.
  14. Yeah, probably just something random. Actually had something somewhat similar last year, but it only affected Spain and it fired my manager in Spain too so was a bit more complete. That was fixed by the last update to the game though, and I had a save just before it happened so not too bad. Really annoying that I don't have a save before. Having to go 6 months back is pretty insane given the way I play and how long it takes. It took hours just to simulate that time, let alone playing it. Ugh and FM25 is still so far away for a new save. Feels too late to start a new FM24 save too (it really annoys me if things don't go the same as IRL, so starting from 23/24 when the whole season is complete will be problematic). Maybe I'll try an international only save or perhaps South America only and start in Jan 2024. Just until FM25 comes out (hurry up SI!).
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