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  • Team/Player Analysis In Match

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    There is no easy way to access team/player analysis.

    The only way is through opposition instructions > Click on "Best Performance" or "Room For Improvement" 

    The UI for it is also messed up.



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    • SI Staff

    Hey @CowGoesMehhh by design there is no longer detailed analysis available during matches. In the middle of a game a manager wouldn't have access to this in-depth level of analysis. We appreciate that in previous years this was readily available information, but the thoughts on replicating this more accurately have resulted in it changing. 

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    21 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Hey @CowGoesMehhh by design there is no longer detailed analysis available during matches. In the middle of a game a manager wouldn't have access to this in-depth level of analysis. We appreciate that in previous years this was readily available information, but the thoughts on replicating this more accurately have resulted in it changing. 

    Thank you so much for your reply! If it's not meant to be in the game, why is it still there? Maybe it should be removed. Have a good day!

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