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Michael Sant

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632 "The Dude abides"



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    Sports Interactive Community Team


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    Part Time SI Employee. For some parts of the year I may not be in a position to respond to queries or continue discussions as a result.

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  1. It's still something we have under review, but there isn't any further information I can provide sorry.
  2. The issue is still under review internally, we aren't able to share any details on future bug fixes as given the nature of the development cycle we simply cannot guarantee a fix would be in a future update. I know its not a particularly satisfying answer when its having such an impact on the game for you, but the fairest thing we can do is be open and honest.
  3. CA/PA have never been a part of the attribute masking option. There are options like customised skins/graphics which may show information not typically available.
  4. A save game file would help with looking into it further as well then, if you have one available.
  5. Thanks for sharing this one. The QA team will investigate this further.
  6. Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  7. Do you happen to have the pkm's available from any of these recent matches? I feel they will be beneficial to our QA team when it comes to looking through this and understanding where any divergence takes place.
  8. Thanks for providing a save game of this. We'll need to look into it further and understand what has gone amiss here.
  9. Just to better understand whether this is a UI issue (and the wording is wrong), or a transfer issue, did the funds actually go to Shamrock?
  10. There's a lot of subjectivity when it comes to this, and a lot of players probably aren't that aggressive in negotiations. You can drive player deals lower by skewing more heavily on agent fees, or clinch the deal that way with comparable terms. We need specific examples so while we can take a look at the players in the screenshots, if those transfers have already taken place it does limit what we may review in regards to it. We welcome save game files where these are the case so that we can take a look into things further. That will allow us to investigate what is happening in these transfer deals. A guide on sharing saves is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
  11. Thanks for sharing this one with us, and I can certainly appreciate its a frustrating issue to run into. Our QA team will investigate further.
  12. Thanks for taking the time to share this one with us. This one is with our QA team and they're looking into it further.
  13. Thanks for sharing a save on this one, our QA team will investigate further. If anyone else would like to upload their saves too so we can review things further and have more examples that is always beneficial. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/
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