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  • Filtering not working in so many instances

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: Marcel Dumais - Sochaux.fm

    Description of issue

    This is beyond frustrating now, I'd reported a couple of filtering issues - thinking it was perhaps a specific condition or situation that was causing the problem to arise but it's flat out ignoring so many different conditions. 

    Age as reported before - also, I'm unable to add 'age' to the 'additional conditions' drop down (I know it's displayed on the left but I thought trying to add it could maybe circumvent the issue with the option on the left) trying to add it will actually screw up whatever sense of organisation your current filter has, all of a sudden you'll have world class players of all positions appearing in your 'extremely interested' lower league transfer filter set to a specific position. 

    Speaking of trying to filter by position, that is not working either - as shown in the screenshots - I've asked for players that are natural at AMR, you can see that it's returned someone who doesn't even have that position on their listed positions. 

    Trying to do a save where I perform all transfers via filtering is proving impossible. So frustrating. 





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    • SI Staff

    Is this an imported search, or is the game imported from FM23? Having recreated your search filter in my own game to try and work out where in the process the issue may be it all appeared to work correctly:



    So it's just a case of trying to understand a bit more about what may be going on here to help better inform the QA investigations.

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    The game is an FM24 started game. It's not an imported filter, though I have had issues saving filters myself and then re-opening them. Try saving your filter as something, then clearing it, closing it down and re opening the filter as a template - does it still work then? I spent all day yesterday setting up filters, only to have them useless on re-opening. I had the first condition as Nationality IS French, worked fine initially, then when I re-opened and opened the template for the same search filter, it was blank on that condition where 'French' used to be...I would click the drop down and the only selectable field was 'UK & Irish'. Like I said, all other criteria had been met and there were french players in the search filter, nothing else had changed except the closing and re-opening of the search filter. 

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    Oh and also, the reason I am having to include the 'Value is <£2m' flag is because the 'Transfer == Very Interested' field wasn't filtering out world class players despite me being in the French 3rd Tier. 

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    Here is all the filters - if you want to give them a try to see if they work for you - also, I've attached a photo example of the issue I described in the comment above. you can see the filter worked correctly initially - I was able to select French. I cleared the filter and opened it from the presets and then the results are shown in the second screenshot. 



    GK-SKA_French.fmf LF-AF-ST_French.fmf LF-CB-BPD_French.fmf LF-DM-DLP(s)_French.fmf LF-IF-AMR_French.fmf LF-W-AML_French.fmf LF-WBS-LB_French.fmf RF-CB-CDD_French.fmf RF-PF-ST_French.fmf

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