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    Pavel nedved
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    This new feature doesn't seem to work..my manager got license and get upgrade to a lot of staff and also my assistant got Continental pro and have huge upgrade but the arrow for upgrade or degrade doesn't seem to working..I want to also admit that no one seems to answer in other issues and is a bit frustrating..I understand that maybe you look forward into that and it's beta..if needed to start a new save of course is acceptable cause this is the beta!but we need to know if some bugs is save game compatible or need a new save..thanks in advance I hope for a response


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    I have the same issue. Maybe the club needs a technical director for the arrows to show? My staff have completed at least 10 licenses and none of them had arrows.

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    to kaloo.fm this is the save that i uploaded! that i say is i saw my manager upgrading his stats by at least 5 points and no one green arrow like that shown in quality of life post from miles!

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    Mine is the same.  I started this save as Continental B Licence to track the progress, but there are never any arrows there.  I checked all my staff (as well on the original skin) and nobody has any attribute change arrows. It would be cool if there were an attribute change page on staff profiles, too, so we can fully track the change. I'm taking screenshots of my profile after seasons to see what's gone up (or down) and by how much.



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    I just want to create a little more attention on this issue. I have also uploaded a save file under the name 'Road to Berlin.fm' in case it's needed for further investigation.


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    Also seeing no attribute arrows in my save it is 

    Demo 1 Aaron Holsmith - Plymouth

    if it makes a difference was started on the demo before steam nuked the option 
    and then ported it into the full version was a quick start save

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