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  • No way of registering players for Champions League Champions Path Playoff

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    Description of issue

    Into my third season with Olympiacos and am due to enter the Champions League at the Champions Path Playoff stage. The draw was made on 3rd August with the first fixture on the 11th. Since the draw has been made, the registration news item has not appeared, and when I go to Squad > Registration, all that is available is the Greek league. I'm at the day of the game but am unable to play the majority of my squad, only players under 21 with 2+ years at the club are available.

    Have had no issues in previous seasons, though we were entering at an earlier stage in the competition than now, our coefficient has improved over the 2 years so we're now entering at this stage.

    Any ideas/support would be greatly appreciated!





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    I have a save file on August 1st, reloading and doing the draw again gives us Brondby every time, but no way to register the players before the game. Have tried a couple of times but the first fixture is always scheduled for 11th/12th August, but there is a registration date on 13th. I assume there should be a registration option on the date of the draw (3rd)

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    Thank you. I've uploaded two save files, both with the dates on. One is before the draw on the 1st and the other is the day of the game.

    They're called Olympiacos 1.8.26 and Olympiacos 11.8.26.

    7 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Thank you for making us aware of this. Would you be able to share your save game in which this is happening so that our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/


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    • Administrators

    Hello, this was a known issue that we have since resolved, but a new save file is needed for the change to take affect.

    We're sorry for the inconvenience. 

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