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  • Player unhappy for absolutely no reason

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    Luis Diaz was promised to be used as a left winger with role as an inside forward. He played 33 games in this position last season (was injured the rest). I was notified that he was "happy that I have played him in desired position and role" after the season ended, however the unhappiness already showed up in the player information screen at that point. During summer 2024 he is starting to get really messed up due to his unhappiness, but there is nothing I can do to please him. He started to be absent from training and his morale has been poor for months. This is really annoying. There seems to be many issues with player reactions, espacially during matches. I often see descriptions of negative body language when the team is playing brilliantly and leading by several goals.





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    • SI Staff

    Do you happen to have a save game file available from before the point at which Diaz becomes unhappy? This would allow the QA team to investigate what is happening with the decision making logic in the background. A guide on how to upload your save is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/

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    Unfortunately I dont. Actually I dont know when it might have started. He was unhappy at least 1/4 of the first season, however at the same time he was happy that his promise was fulfilled. He was also strongly opposing me as a manager, and at the same time holding me in the highest regard as manager (+ having me as favoured personell).

    Now I need to get rid of him. He is questioning every desicion I make and his poor morale is not possible to change.

    Edited by andersgutt
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    • SI Staff

    Understandable given the passage of time. We can look into the issue with the player ongoing now if he's arguing over every decision. If you do spot any instances again where it's building in a similar manner with a different player though a save game from that point would always be appreciated.

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