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  • Registering players for Champions League

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Steve Ellesmore - Rangers.fm

    Description of issue

    When I come to add players to be registered to champions league, doing auto select and everything is fine, but with slots available to add more players, when I do, it takes the HGC and HGN into defecit and says I need to add more players who are homegrown whereas before adding another player, it was saying i had an eligible squad. very confused


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    these screenshots illustrate it better. All I'm doing is adding Tom Lawrence as I have space for more players, but suddenly it acts like I'm reducing the amount of Home Grown Players by 1

    Screenshot 2023-10-27 230140.png


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    • SI Staff

    In this instance you need to leave 3 blank spaces because out of the requirements for 8 players trained in Scotland you're at 5/8. So you would only be able to register 22 players. 

    To be able meet the 25 limit in this situation 2 of the remaining spots would need to be filled by players trained at Rangers, and the third would then need to be trained in Scotland.

    Tom Lawrence is not showing any home grown status.

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