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  • Board has taken out a bank loan, but the money never gets added to the finances

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    In my current save, the board took out a bank loan of around 60m prior to the January transfer window in order to kick on and hopefully win the league.

    The money was added to the transfer budget immediately, however the money hasn't actually been added to the club finances, meaning spending it would massively damage the club finances, and on top of that, we're now making repayments with interest despite not actually receiving any money.

    As a result, I've done my best to not spend much of it, otherwise it would cost the club double the loan amount + interest.

    I'm assuming this is a bug, otherwise I'd be be very interested to know how this is working as intended.



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    Same thing happened to me too, except the club didn't even tell me when they took the loan, I only realized it when they told me they need to start repayiny the loan

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    • SI Staff

    We do ideally need save game files to help with investigating this. Where possible, as close to before the loan is taken out.

    @Josh__ you also recently posted in the thread about an unnecessary loan being taken out. Did you get the funds at all?

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    • Administrators

    Hello, sometimes mortgage loans like that can occur even when the club has good finances to try and give an immediate boost to your transfer budget.

    But, as Michael says above we will need a save game from before the loan occurs to see if this type of loan is being processed correctly or not.

    The date loan was taken can be seen for them on Finances -> Debt and Loans tab

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    Hi, I also had this happen after I asked for more transfer budget for next season. They gave me a mortgage loan of 80 mil.... A mortgage loan is not a one off payment, so if you look in your income they will be a lone income line... That will be the loan the board has taken. So you get it monthly not in one go. Hope this helps 


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    • SI Staff
    10 hours ago, CarlosTrueBlue said:

    I also had this happen after I asked for more transfer budget for next season. They gave me a mortgage loan of 80 mil....

    Other users have been making repayments towards the loan monthly however which is in part why we're reviewing this further. Given the screenshot you've posted, are you also making payments back? 

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    11 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Other users have been making repayments towards the loan monthly however which is in part why we're reviewing this further. Given the screenshot you've posted, are you also making payments back? 

    Yeah,also making payments back on the loan. 750k a month 

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    12 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Other users have been making repayments towards the loan monthly however which is in part why we're reviewing this further. Given the screenshot you've posted, are you also making payments back? 

    Also by the end of the month my loan income went up to 1.74 mil as seen in the pics 

    Screenshot 2023-12-29 163513.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-29 163633.png

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    En 30/11/2023 a las 7:00, Michael Sant dijo:

    Can you share your save game with us in which this is the case? This will help with investigating further. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/


    En 14/12/2023 a las 12:27, Zachary Whyte dijo:

    Hello, sometimes mortgage loans like that can occur even when the club has good finances to try and give an immediate boost to your transfer budget.

    But, as Michael says above we will need a save game from before the loan occurs to see if this type of loan is being processed correctly or not.

    The date loan was taken can be seen for them on Finances -> Debt and Loans tab


    En 2/1/2024 a las 23:51, Michael Sant dijo:

    A save game file would help with looking into it further as well then, if you have one available.

    I have uploaded the saves: "sevilla24.fm" and "sevilla25.fm", before and after the loan. The loan happens during the day 01/01/2025, and there is an increase of transfer budget, debt, but there is no increase of cash, so it makes no sense

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